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It's the end of the week, time to sum up our hard work! Did everything work out as planned? If everything is in order, then you are great! This means you can relax and stop reading. Here on the forum you will find a lot of interesting and useful information. If everything is not as smooth as we would like, and Procrastination already considers your workplace to be its own, then it’s time to pull yourself together and start a persistent fight against it. As I wrote in the last article, procrastination - this is a habit that we developed without meaning to, and it is firmly rooted in our subconscious. You can fight it in different ways, here are some of them: 1. Include your Parent. Procrastination is still an indicator of a child’s position when we are trying to hide from something unpleasant or difficult. You have your own inner Parent, connect it. Reward yourself if you do things on time, do nice little things for yourself, such as going to a cafe, getting a cake, getting a nice pen, or watching your favorite movie. Accordingly, if you are distracted, procrastinating, avoiding, etc. punish yourself by depriving yourself of these pleasant little things.2. One habit can be overcome by forming another. For example, you managed to do everything you wanted or planned - treat yourself. This way you will form a habit - fruitful work - pleasant reinforcement.3. The appetite comes while eating, or the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. Enter five-minute working hours. That is, you don't want to fill out a log. Give yourself 5 minutes during which you will sit down and fill it out, despite your internal protest, without being distracted by anything. After 5 minutes, most often, you will continue to fill it, but without any discomfort.4. Procrastination doesn't just happen. She is protecting from something. For example, a girl studies at university and really doesn’t like chemistry, but she needs to do coursework on this subject. But she not only doesn’t like, but also doesn’t understand this subject (it’s rare that someone doesn’t like a subject that they understand, and if this is the case, then it’s more likely that there’s a dislike not for the subject, but for a specific teacher), so she tries in every possible way to delay the moment of writing, because he doesn’t want to look stupid, he fears that the teacher will scold, shame, etc. She waits until the last minute, then quickly does something (and, as we remember, she knows the subject poorly), receives a negative reaction from the teacher, a low grade, a feeling of guilt, shame, and a decrease in self-esteem. Next time, faced with an unloved object, what will she do? Similar. The circle is closed. It’s better to deal with your fears without leading to serious consequences.5. Difficult task? Not scary! Eat the elephant in parts. Divide the task into parts, give yourself time to complete each part, then praise yourself and pamper yourself, at least with a hot bath with aromatic foam.6. Plan your day, and it’s better not in your head, but on paper. Firstly, it’s visual, and secondly, it creates a feeling of completion if you have a lot of turnover, and by the end of the day you feel like you’ve been working all day for the trash. It really helps me to write down my plans for the day in a diary or just on an A4 piece of paper, where I write down everything I need to do, even if it’s going to the store, or washing my hair, and not just work issues. After the work is done, I cross it out, if new things appear, I add it. At the end of the day, I conduct an audit - what has been done, what has not been done, what needs to be postponed until tomorrow or another day, what can not be done if the need for it has disappeared. IMPORTANT! If you notice that you procrastinate quite often, pay attention to yourself. Perhaps this is not procrastination, but a lack of resource. You get little rest, sleep poorly or little, eat unbalanced, are nervous, in a word, you do not replenish the resources expended. In this case, you need to take care of yourself first, perhaps visit a specialist. We have one body, they won’t give us another. Subscribe to my Telegram channel “Anti-crisis psychology” https://t.me/shoshina_psy
