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Every dream begins with... a seemingly foolish idea that there is “something more,” something grandiose to explore and become. This optimism comes from the depths of our childhood consciousness when life becomes too ordinary. The jester denotes those moments when we crave freedom and self-expression and, first of all, is associated with surprise in behavior, unbiased perception of new things, and learning through play. At the same time, he also risks remaining frivolous and infantile. The jester is young in appearance and inspired - this is evidence of his power and a reflection of the inescapable openness of life. His carelessness reflects the desire to feel life, overcoming any trials. The white dog at the feet of the Jester symbolizes animal instincts. The sky is a symbol of enlightenment. The sun is a symbol of the spiritual source within us. The knapsack is our life experience and resources. White rose – purity and innocence. The staff is a support that is not always used. Metaphorically, the Fool is only zero, nothing, absolute emptiness, which can become anything. And the absolute freedom of this formation is in this nothingness, where everything is contained in potential. The energy of this archetype serves to adapt to a complex, changing situation, allows you to survive in difficult conditions, and promotes learning. The jester always accompanies leaving the comfort zone, overcoming the fear of the new, changes, and uncertainty. Submitting to the energy of the Fool means remembering that everything happens as it should happen, entering a period of “free flight”, complete trust in the world. The energy of the Jester-Fool archetype is revealed through answers to the following questions: Do you feel inner freedom? Do you know how to act? without regard to the opinions of others? If you knew that the universe would catch you in flight, where would you jump? How much do you trust yourself to try something new? Are you ready to step into the future clean and free from the “baggage” of the past? Look inside yourself and imagine two inner guides called “playfulness” and “enthusiasm”. What advice do they have for you? Visualization aimed at connecting with the archetype of the Jester-Fool. Imagine...Recently, you, succumbing to a momentary impulse and childish interest, took part in the casting for the show game “Incredible Adventures”. This, of course, was stupidity, but, contrary to the predictions of your friends, you have just found out that you are among the players and in an hour you will have to go on an unknown journey for an indefinite time to places you have never been to. In an hour you need to collect your luggage, and all of it should fit into a small bag. Time has passed.... What things will you put in this bag? What will you take as a talisman that will protect you during this time? First read the visualization corresponding to the Arcana, and then look at it and imagine, gradually immersing yourself in the images and energies of the card. Let your eyes slowly close and, on the border between reality and dreams, you will find yourself where the answers to all your questions are stored.…
