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I don’t want anything, I don’t have the strength to do anything, and there’s no desire, and there doesn’t seem to be any depression, but still there’s a kind of numbness, emptiness inside, zero energy. Are the symptoms familiar? I propose today to talk about apathy: when there is not even a desire to do something, and energy is almost completely absent. “Zero, zero energy, I don’t want and can’t do anything. I understand that it shouldn’t be this way, but I can’t get out of this state,” one client came to me with this problem. “I don’t have any desires, I just watch TV shows for days, is it possible to change this?” the client complained. Each of us would like to satisfy our desires as fully as possible and have joy in life, this is a natural and necessary state of personality. But what if there are no desires at all? And if sometimes some desires manifest themselves, then there is no energy to realize them, as well as an understanding of how to implement them. I would like to earn more, go on vacation, engage in creativity and self-development, etc. I want to, but there seems to be no great desire, it can sometimes flare up, but soon it quickly goes out and immediately after that the motivation to do something disappears. I drag my feet to work every day, like a robot I fulfill the requirements placed on me. Also, I return home absolutely joylessly, watch TV with numbness, indifference, or mindlessly stare at my phone, and then crash to sleep, and the next day everything repeats again... What causes apathy? Why do we shrink more and more and want less? Now even among young people this question has become quite acute: that part of the population that should be most active and benefit society simply does not want anything. Why can’t we be energetic and ambitious, achieve some heights in this life? It is necessary to highlight the most common reasons: Parents devaluing/ridiculing our childhood aspirations and dreams. “What kind of businessman are you? Don’t talk nonsense, you’ll be a janitor and a drunkard like your father!” Such words greatly traumatize the child’s psyche, and in adulthood he may consciously dream of becoming someone significant, conquering Everest, but unconsciously his parents’ words are stuck in him, preventing him from realizing himself normally. Unconsciously, he believes that he will not achieve anything, and as a result all his energy disappears; he doesn’t want anything. And why, if I become a janitor? Dissatisfaction with life. When we don’t get enough pleasant emotions from life, then we don’t want to live. In this case, we simply drag out our joyless existence, because if there is no happiness in life, then why live? This state also takes energy and requires work. Together, we will work on your problem individually, draw up a plan for getting out of apathy, and get rid of traumatic childhood situations so that they do not deprive you of energy and joy from life. The reasons may be different, but usually they are always similar and can be worked out. Therefore, I will wait for your response, all the best and see you soon! Sincerely, Your Psychologist, Supervisor Ilya Akhmedov - Jason Green.
