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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, which you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia.” I’ll start with the fact that there is now a lot of different literature on the topic of orgasm. But it is extremely poorly sanctified from the point of view of practice, and, as a result, the reader is not able to understand something important for himself, perhaps something that concerns him personally. I will not analyze theoretical materials, you can do this yourself if you wish. I would like, dear readers, to convey information based on my real experience of working as a sexologist, psychotherapist and psychologist with clients with a female sexual problem - achieving vaginal orgasm. This will provide you with the opportunity to gain some knowledge that will help you understand something more. You can, of course, solve this problem superficially, through medical and other drugs to increase female libido, eliminate libidomy and achieve orgasm, etc. But I, as a practicing sexologist, psychotherapist and family psychologist working with clients in this area, am still a supporter of deeper elaboration - when the problem can be removed completely - once and for all. At the beginning I want to explain what we can get by working with problematic conditions that are associated with vaginal orgasm. Changes can occur in three directions. We remove obstacles to vaginal orgasm, respectively solving women's sexual problems in this regard, i.e. We analyze and work through the situations that contributed to this. And the woman succeeds in everything right away, often it also depends on temperament and passion, plus the elimination of limiting factors. Next, we change the situation, which allows the woman herself to understand how this can be achieved. What does she need, what resource states. This can only be a transitional moment for now. If a woman is not completely ready, you can create conditions for her to have a vaginal orgasm, increasing her readiness (it takes time to “ripen”). The problem simply ceases to be a problem. This is also an option, we just remove the problematic situation. This allows a person to open up. Don’t think, for example, about how he looks at this moment, or how he craves vaginal orgasm, a certain fixation, and simply, as they say: “Relax and have fun.” I note that everyone chooses depending on their readiness and need . It’s impossible to give any advice here. So, working as a psychologist-sexologist with a client from Moscow, we came across the problem of vaginal orgasm. The following was evident: she experienced a clitoral orgasm, but had problems with the vaginal one, which she felt was her sexual female problem. She received them mainly in her adolescence and early 20s. In this case, the problems had several components at their core. The first was what is often characteristic of women - the shame of admitting that there has never been a vaginal orgasm. We saved her from shame and pretense, in return she received liberation; self-confidence as a woman; discovery of new opportunities. The next problematic state is judgment of others (who quickly and easily entered into sexual contacts). This was expressed in the fact that the client seemed to be pricked from the inside with needles and prevented her from completely relaxing. In return - the understanding that this was a positive moment that kept her from unnecessary connections, and a different look: “I don’t care who does what. It’s their choice, and I have nothing to do with it.”.
