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From the author: We have the Internet, we have e-mail, faxes, telephones - regular, multi-channel, mobile... we have tablets, smartphones, but have we become more effective at communicating? Over the past 20 years, there have been significant technological improvements that have made communication faster, more intense. We have television and radio stations that broadcast the latest news instantly! We have Internet! There is e-mail, faxes, telephones - regular, multi-channel, mobile... there are tablets, smartphones, but have we become more effective in communicating? - No. Today, children have less opportunity to communicate and learn social skills than before. Many of them rush to school, eating breakfast alone. In the classroom, they are constantly pressured to excel in academics. They have less time to play and interact with other students than in the past, they play less sports, they socialize less. Returning home, many children have lunch in front of the TV and are again left alone, spending several hours in front of the computer. In many homes, the family rarely gathers at a common table to have lunch or dinner together. But common family affairs can become quality time, when many problems can be resolved perfectly, anxieties and anxieties, grievances and mutual misunderstandings can be overcome. But since such meetings happen extremely rarely, relationships within the family are gradually destroyed. Domestic scandals and divorces become more frequent. Of course, there are many reasons for this - pressure at work, various responsibilities... - but the family environment has always served as an excellent protection against external conflicts. In this environment, children were guided by elders, their behavior was gently and persistently corrected. There were swarm models that not only gave children confidence and a sense of security, but also demonstrated positive practice by example. In addition, people knew their neighbors and found time to talk to them. In general, they always had time to talk. Relationships with people were highly valued. Unfortunately, circumstances have changed. Everything we do during the day involves communication in one form or another - at work and at home, in politics, commerce, education, sports, entertainment and financial affairs. Communication permeates all areas of our lives. And since communication today is greatly underestimated and neglected, this often leads to very sad results. When communication breaks down, bombs fall and shells go off, whether in the family environment, the workplace or global politics. Recruiting directors and HR managers say they have serious problems finding people who can communicate effectively. And perhaps this is a consequence of the fact that no one teaches communication skills: they teach you to compete, fight, get through... but they don’t teach you to negotiate, listen, ask, argue, be tolerant... or just have a conversation. It’s impossible for anyone not to was in a public organization or private company to stay (or advance) at work without improving communication skills with the employer, employees, the media, without learning how to speak in public. If you are going to become successful, you must be ready and able to bravely accept any set of circumstances . From a long-term perspective, the more open and skillful you are in communication, the more confident you will be in building relationships, and the more likely you will be to succeed in any field of endeavor..
