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From the author: We usually consider hardness and rigidity to be strength. In practice, a soft drop can chisel a stone, and cunning can bypass the hardness. Website www.mirludey.org Male power and female power. Manifestations of power can look very different. We usually consider hardness and rigidity as strength. In practice, a soft drop can chisel a stone, and cunning can bypass hardness. They say that a woman should be weak. They say. However, a childishly weak woman is helpless in practical life and is often of little interest to a psychologically mature man. - She easily falls into emotional or material dependence, from which she suffers and loses her charm in front of others. An independent and powerful person as a woman is also of little interest, and often unpleasant - she is perceived as a “man in a skirt.” Society in general and men in particular crave a woman of higher quality. Who is a woman of high quality? Of course, she is an interesting person, a developed individuality, a mature personality. However, among other things, this is a woman with FEMALE power. Now ask yourself why some women look feminine, while others, although they try, are not?! - It's all about feminine strength, which lies and manifests itself through certain QUALITIES of character. The totality of these qualities is called FEMININITY. Formation of quality Imagine that a person, let’s call him “Y,” gets angry ten times a day, and so on for years. Over time, he can confidently be called evil - this has become a QUALITY of his character. - Anger manifested itself in facial wrinkles, and in postures, and in the timbre of voice, and in gait, and in the manner of communication. Seeing such a person, you immediately intuitively read that he is evil. It’s the same with femininity - the more often a woman feels, lives and shows her feminine qualities, the better a woman she becomes and looks like. Qualities of feminine strength A woman should NOT be a weakling. not strong like a man. However, it would be very useful for her to possess and develop the QUALITIES OF FEMININE POWER. These qualities are inherent in her BY NATURE; they are more inherent in a woman, just as similar masculine qualities are inherent in a man. Having discovered them in herself and regularly manifesting them in life, in relationships, any woman acquires feminine QUALITY very naturally. Test for knowledge of male and female qualities. Try to guess with interest which of the following qualities are a manifestation of femininity and which are masculinity? Love, active construction relationships - a male or female quality? Responsibility, diligence, self-denial - a male or female quality? Restraint, coolness - a male or female quality? Compliance, laziness, comfort - a male or female quality? Gentleness, non-violence - a male or female quality? Humility, respect - masculine or feminine quality? Persistence, severity - masculine or feminine quality? Asceticism, hardening - masculine or feminine quality? Work, career, earnings - masculine or feminine quality? Emotional sensitivity, warmth - masculine or feminine quality? Perseverance - masculine or feminine quality? Firmness, strength - masculine or feminine quality? Significance, self-affirmation - masculine or feminine quality? Kindness - masculine or feminine quality? Sexuality - masculine or feminine quality? Half of the listed qualities are qualities of feminine strength, and half are qualities of masculine strength. Feminine qualities: love, active relationship building, compliance, laziness, comfort, emotional sensitivity, humility, respect, kindness, gentleness, non-violence. Male qualities: responsibility, diligence, self-denial, restraint, perseverance, severity, asceticism, hardening, hardness, significance , self-affirmation, determination, sexuality. The influence of female power (charm) If a woman more often shows masculine qualities (for example: diligence, determination, significance) than feminine ones (for example: gentleness, non-violence, comfort), then her feminine QUALITY decreases and vice versa. If a woman more often displays feminine qualities, then
