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From the author: The questionnaire was developed for directors of additional education institutions in the Rostov region and presented during the meeting of the Board of Directors on the problems of innovative management. I bring to your attention the author’s questionnaire, which can be used for self-diagnosis. It can also be used to conduct a comparative analysis of assessments of the level of managerial competence of administrative workers based on self-assessment data and the results of a survey of subordinates. In this case, in each of the questionnaires filled out by the subordinate, the full name is indicated. a specific manager (director, deputy director, head of department), and the forms themselves are distributed for completion to both officials and employees who are subordinate to them. The overall assessment of employees is obtained by finding the arithmetic average and compared with the manager's own assessment. The data obtained can help analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the existing management system, and, by making adjustments, make the management system in the institution more effective. NOTE I draw the attention of users to the fact that such research is useless in teams with a negative psychological climate or under the control of an authoritarian leader. In this case, the data obtained during the study will be distorted, and conditions for dismissal will soon be created for the researcher.))) QUESTIONNAIRE Dear colleague! We ask you to take part in the study in order to evaluate and correct the management system in our institution. We suggest Using a 10-point system (10 is the highest score, 1 is the lowest score), you must evaluate the degree of mastery of the components of professional competence by the specified manager of the institution. The research is conducted anonymously. We ask you to be as sincere and objective as possible. (Manager's full name) Components of a manager's professional competence _____A) planning, monitoring the activities of the unit/institution; _____B) the ability to diagnose professional situations and make appropriate decisions; _____B) motivation and stimulation of employees, support for initiative and creativity, development of the psychological climate and corporate culture; _____D) structuring activities - developing algorithms for completing tasks; _____D) division of labor - specialization of jobs, delegation of assignments; _____E) possession of self-diagnosis and self-development skills; _____G) general culture of behavior, ability to control emotions; _____3) showing respect and care for employees, individual approach to employees, reaching agreements and resolving conflicts; _____I) responsibility for completing the task and obtaining the final result; _____K) constant reflection of one’s activities, the ability of critical self-analysis and self-control; _____L) organization of group work - preparation and holding of meetings and assemblies, coordination and regulation of interactions, including within temporary and permanent working groups; _____M) ensuring communications - planning, organizing and controlling formal and informal communications; _____Н) ideological education of subordinates - interpretation of the organization’s concept (mission, strategy, key competencies), formation of internal policy; _____O) speech culture, accessibility of content and correct form of messages; _____P) objectivity and fairness in assessing and rewarding the work of employees. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! Interpretation of survey results. Questionnaire score: •from 121 to 150 – a very high indicator of the level of competence of a leader/manager; •from 91 to 120 – high; •from 61 to 90 – average; •from 31 to 60 – low; •from 1 to 30 – a very low level of competence.
