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Today we have a post more for psychologists than for “ordinary” people, but I think everyone can understand their attitude towards their favorite business and their readiness to it to develop! But today we will analyze this readiness using the example of psychology and sincerity with oneself. With the release of advertising, the Online Conference Psychobusiness. I very often receive questions from psychologists of this kind about creating and promoting a brand: - Is psychology a business? - Is it possible to advertise your services, the client must come on his own? - How can you sell love for people? - I’m a psychologist, not a salesman. - If there is sales in psychology, it’s dirty. And something like that. And here for me the moment is therapeutic, and very psychosomatic. Analyzing the questions themselves and communicating with the people who ask them, I observe a lot of fears, worries about my self-worth, fears of being uncomfortable. Why do I think so? Let's imagine a certain girl-psychologist! And so, the girl is talented, but she is very afraid and doubts herself. But the girl takes money for her consultations, but after that she has a lot of worries about whether she’s bad for taking money for her business, because she helps people, and also morally, doesn’t buy them something, doesn’t gives goods, but provides psychological assistance. And so, in order not to doubt herself and her profession so much, the girl takes the minimum wage, and does not even think about realizing her ideas, no matter how wonderful they are. The girl created a great training, but she doesn’t teach it because it will be stolen, or even worse, by the tax office. But tax and copyright law are serious steps in making a statement about yourself. But if the girl takes action and registers with the tax authorities, and makes an auto license for her product, she will be forced to recognize herself as a specialist, and yes, admit that psychology is a business and the girl receives money for this business! And voila, guilt. After all, perhaps a miner, a taxi driver or a shawarma seller, who has other priorities, once said that psychology is a dummy, and so, hiding behind love for people, the girl allows herself to take money. And advertising is a terrible step - because it is more likely Everything will pay off and there will be more clients. And oh, horror, then this is really a business, because there is an investment, clients, and earnings. We are already silent about the fact that the girl could write a book and get recognition. But then she will be a total bastard. And here she sits, afraid of clients, money, the tax office and that evil guy lawyer who does copyright work. And this fear does not go away, but remains in the body! And what happens...yes yes yes...psychosomatics. Dear colleagues! Let's admit it, psychology is a business! Let it not be ordinary, not typical, but business. You can sit and hide behind fears and beliefs, or you can go forward and develop this business - make the world a better place with your work, and yourself healthier and more successful! Learn to accept gratitude from your clients, including financial ones. And if you already say “client” to a client, then yes, you are going into this business, albeit with resistance. And now, not for psychologists! If you find reasons just not to reach a new level, but are “burning” with your work, then perhaps you have the same thing! Fear of being successful, recognizing your worth, and of course being with money. With love for your sores, sexologist, psychosomatologist psychologist, author of the game "Psychobusiness" Tatyana Pavlenko P.S. We invite you to our conference, where we will voluntarily and forcibly admit that Psychology is a business, and you can be successful in it. Link to purchase tickets http://psychobusinessconference.com/?fbclid=IwAR2UQejinKeZwJiKcWmb80MwbNtZxalsxXSqfeqNw14i63a_NTsnjar1Q8A
