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Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in new places Gives more than ten years of life at home.A. France As far as I can remember, I have always been attracted to other places, cities, countries. Any trip for me is always something amazing and beautiful. New people, new energies, new way of life, traditions. And what a colossal exchange of energies, cultures, traditions is taking place at this moment! I only thought about this in the last two years, when I read Lena Khokhlova’s article about conscious travel. She then wrote an article about a training expedition to China. This article changed my mind about travel. Basically, everything was as usual: come, relax, enjoy, gain strength and go on with your life to continue working. But it turns out that it is important not only to receive, but also to give, which was a surprise to me. It’s clear that I had problems with giving back. And here is my first trip abroad. The choice fell on Turkey. The dates have been selected and the ticket has been purchased. There is a certain excitement and trepidation in my soul. I wrote down some tips for myself on preparing and conducting a conscious trip, which you can read at the end of this article if you are interested. So... My internal preparation for the trip began. I asked questions, answers came. The most important question: why am I going, what do I want to share on this journey? And now the plane, takeoff, sky, clouds, my state of anticipation before something magical, as if something beautiful was waiting for me there. I fell in love with this country as soon as I started walking off the plane. This air, aromas, smiles of airport employees. This country greeted me with joy. I was open to her, I gladly accepted all the gifts that she shared with me. I generously shared my state of Love, Goddess, Femininity. I flew in these energies, bathed in them. My heart opened more and more every day. Every day I revealed my best feminine qualities in myself: softness, joy, sexuality, tenderness, dignity, I found wonderful qualities in men, I saw God in each of them! For the first time in my life I saw God in a man!!! And through this I felt what a Goddess I am! Indeed, Türkiye is a country where it is easy for a woman to feel this. I felt the energy of this country: the energy of sexuality, sensuality, love. Everything around was filled with these energies - the air, the sea, the earth, the sun! All the natural elements helped us to know ourselves deeper and brighter! Upon my return, my life began to unfold in a very surprising way. The heart opened, eros opened, the energy of Love flowed freely through my body. I began to realize for myself what Love means - that this energy is so magical, when it circulates freely around, fills all the space around me, how nice it is to share this energy with everyone around. With the revelation of the energy of Love, the energy of Abundance was also revealed to me. Everything arrived on time, at the right time, place and in the right quantity. My wishes came true very quickly. The space opened up for me. It began to hear me only after I myself began to hear and feel my Space. Thailand became the next country for me. I went there with my friend and ally, Natalya Kremneva. We organized a training journey “I am a Woman, which means I am a Goddess.” Thailand is a completely different country, with different energies, vibrations, states. I saw kind, open, smiling faces of Thais around me. And at the same time, I did not feel Women and Men, clearly manifested. Sexuality subsided. The energy of Love went into spirituality, into business, into children, but not into the relationship between a Man and a Woman. Our entire group generously shared their states of Femininity and Love. We wanted the population of Thailand to remember who they really are - that they are Creators, Gods Men and Women. And towards the end of our journey the first bells began to ring, the men beganreact to us as women, give compliments, look after us. Their suppressed masculinity began to awaken! Thanks to this country, my scope expanded, my inner depth appeared, and my maturation occurred. I saw my unsolved problems and realized their solutions. Thailand for me turned out to be a country where communication took place with my Soul, what it wants and why it will rejoice. I was turning into an adult woman who knew my essence, accepted it and was ready to follow my destiny to love and give Beauty. In September, a training trip took place to Greece, the homeland of heterosexual women. The time has come to get acquainted with your new state of the Woman Goddess, to be a heterosexual in your own home, in the person of the wife of your own husband. This female state does not open immediately. It was important to feel deep trust in oneself, awakening truly cosmic intuition. I learned to trust myself, the world, I revealed Self-Love in every cell, I learned to listen to myself, my body and the space of Greece helped me with this. I shared with her my joy, the feeling of freedom and happiness, what happiness it is to be born a Woman! I and all our training participants started every morning with Love for ourselves, for the world, for men; we did morning exercises and energy exercises. Then with this state we went to swim naked in the sea. What bliss this is and what freedom to feel the sea with your whole body, how it lovingly envelops, caresses, rocks on its waves. You lie down on the water and look at the sky with a feeling of the flight of the Soul. Then classes, practices, meditations-discoveries, awareness, lessons began. And in the evening we went to the sea and watched the kiss of the sea and the sun. Have you ever seen this magical picture? When the sun changes its color, approaching the horizon, the magical union of male and female begins. How beautifully this happens - the final touch, a kiss, a ray of sunshine says goodbye, the feminine sacrament begins. This is the natural beauty of our world! Every day of our stay on the Greek island filled us with beauty, love, light. Returning home means new states, new energies, new wealth of the soul! Inspiration, flight, lightness and great gratitude to the entire Universe for its wonderful places! And there are already plans for the near future. I invite you, dear Ladies, Women, Goddesses, to our upcoming training journey “I am a Woman, which means I am a Goddess!”, created under the leadership of Anatoly Nekrasov. A training that opens the curtain to the world of sacred knowledge, leading to the cherished dream of Women's Happiness, life according to the Soul... which will take place in Turkey - a country with pulsating energy, with a rich history, where everything is permeated with the energy of love and harmony, where miracles happen that are usually not make us wait a long time. This time our meeting will take place in Kemer, in a city of amazing nature, beautiful pebble beaches, picturesque mountains covered with relict pine forests, bright sun and, of course, crystal clear, gentle and warm sea. Find out your Secret. It is inherent in a Woman by nature - inner strength, confidence, sensuality are given to us by birthright! Living in the rhythm of your city, it is very easy to get lost in the daily bustle and lose contact with yourself. Therefore, it is very important to travel, discover new horizons, find sources of inspiration, devote time to yourself and your fulfillment! Tips for preparing and conducting a conscious trip: Get to know the place before the trip! Where are you going? What kind of country is this? What are the national characteristics, flavor, culture? What do they live for? Try to get a feel for this place while still at home. Tune in to it. Try to find not traditional information about attractions (although this is also needed), but the impressions of travelers who are close to you in spirit, an energetic portrait of the area... Special places. By tuning into a place, you will feel that it can respond - information will flow - from people, from the media. The place will begin to accept you, get to know you!
