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From the author: Our life is filled with different situations. It happens that you need to move to live in another city. And the reasons for moving may be different. Adaptation to a new life occurs in adults and children. It happens differently for each person. There are general steps that can become reference points in this difficult process. This happens in life. Plot “Moving” How can relatives help a child adapt to a new city, to new living conditions? Moving is the beginning of a new life for a child. You will need to meet new friends, neighbors, a new home, and school. To do this, it is better to watch and observe how people live in this city. Collect new information and adapt to a new environment. Look around who your friends are, what their rules are, what interests them, what they do in their free time. Here parents can share with their child how they meet new people. What are they doing. You need to talk to your child, ask, be interested in: What is interesting to you in a new place What is difficult What do you like What do you not like How can I help you Perhaps something unfamiliar will appear for the child. The boys can play football in the yard. And the boy may not yet know the rules of this game. And he needs a soccer ball. Or the guys played football in the old yard, but in the new one they ride bicycles. Then he needs a bike. He needs to help him find what is interesting to the children in this new yard, tell him, explain. All the new people who will surround the child will be very interested in who he is? Some will sincerely show interest, some out of idle curiosity, some out of envy and anger. You need to think through a story about yourself. Where I came from, how it happened, so that I had to leave. Reactions to answers may vary from person to person. They can be sympathetic, kind and supportive, or they can be angry and deliberately ask questions that can hurt and anger. They can provoke a fight or quarrel with their questions. People have the right to their thoughts, to their behavior, which we may like or not. It is important to understand that they live their own life, which has shaped their behavior and their emotional reaction. You can accept them as they are, you cannot change them. You can only change your attitude towards them, their words, their actions. When they say nice words, thank people for these words. When they say unpleasant words, and they hurt or anger appears. Don't rush to be offended right away. You can try to stop and notice what is happening to you and the world around you. When it hurts, tell the person that he hurt you with his words. When you are angry, say that you are angry. Yes, it's very difficult. And this is possible, every person can learn this. A person is by nature very strong and resilient. You need to be confident, trust your feelings. It is only each person's choice how to react to people's words. And it is everyone's responsibility to choose the light or dark path. From birth, a person retains within himself traits of both the light and dark sides, which influence our words and actions. And there will always be a person nearby who will support, help and console. To whom you can complain and cry. New house. Help your child explore how the house works. How many rooms does it have, how is it heated, is there cold and hot water, where is the bathroom, where is the toilet, where is the kitchen, what room will he live in, which room will his parents live in? What else is in the house, is there an attic, what is in the yard, are there any pets. Get to know and explore everything that is in the house and in the yard. Help your child find a cozy corner where he can stay and think, draw and sculpt, read, watch movies and cartoons. Arrange it the way he likes. Discuss how your child can help around the house, what he needs to do in the house, what responsibilities he will have, what rules you will have. What you can do in the house, what you can’t do. Offer your options and ask your child for options. Discuss this, make your home cozy together. Can.
