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Mid-December is the time not only to prepare for the holidays and New Year's weekend, but also the time to take stock of the past year! And for this we only need paper and pen.1. Write a “Gratitude List” for the past year. Remember and list everything you are grateful for, those events that became key or very important for you. These can be either just pleasant memories or events through which you understood something about yourself and for yourself.2. "Insights or epiphanies of the year." What have you learned about yourself and about yourself? What did you realize that didn’t come before? You can answer a series of questions and continue with suggestions. At the same time, it is important to write the most vivid impressions and what first comes to mind. The method of unfinished sentences has long established itself as an excellent tool for self-awareness and getting closer to your real self. The best moment of the year is... The main news of the year. What especially inspired me this year? What was the hardest thing for me? What color was this year? What event this year I would like to remember forever? My most ridiculous purchase of this year This year was great because... Did I have a conversation that turned everything upside down in my head? What new business did I start this year? This year can describe in one phrase: ...Who did I help/helped this year? What things did/have I put off until next year?3. Set goals for the New Year 2019! You can simply write a list of goals. 7+-2 goals or write 50 goals for the year, the achievement of which would move you towards the development of the qualities you desire. At the same time, we take different areas of life and set goals for each of them. It is very important at the end of the outgoing period of life - the end of the year - to have an internal feeling of completion. Satisfaction. And a presentiment of something new: new events, meetings, joys, insights....Give yourself a gift - take a pen and paper and just write. This is only a small part of taking care of yourself, your future and understanding your value to yourself. This is where Love begins.
