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Do you feel a little shy or insecure when communicating? Does this happen during normal communication, not to mention dating or contact with strangers? Don't worry! There is a way to help you stay confident and have a smart conversation: Don't turn the conversation into an interview Often, to avoid awkward silences, we start asking questions, turning the conversation into a series of quick and superficial exchanges of information. The question is the answer, the question on the other side is the answer. This can cause the conversation to feel like an interview, where everyone is trying to fill the gaps without going into detail or creating an emotional connection. And it lasts until the questions end and deathly silence hangs. An interview does not help to get to know each other. When we throw questions at each other, we do not give ourselves a chance to truly get to know our interlocutor. Instead, we remain on the surface, not allowing the conversation to develop naturally. The “Stay on Question” Technique Instead of jumping from one question to another, try staying within the same topic. Once you receive an answer, express your opinion and think about how this question relates to you personally. This will help create commonality and deepen the conversation. Example: If your interlocutor says that he is a photographer, do not rush to move on to the next question. Instead, say, "Photography is interesting. What inspires you to take pictures?" Example: If someone mentions that they love to travel, share their experience or dream about traveling instead of asking about the next item on their bucket list. Don't look for commonality, and create it Create commonality, share personal stories and opinions. This will help you create a deeper connection with the other person and make your conversation more meaningful and memorable. Example: If you are both discussing cooking, talk about your experience cooking the dish the other person mentioned and how you felt at that moment. Common Unites When you stay in touch within the framework of one question, you show that you are really interested in what the interlocutor is saying, and that you have something in common, even if you look at things from different sides. Communicating is natural Do not rush to move on to the next question - express your attitude , tell an incident from your life on this topic, find out the opinion of your interlocutor. So many undiscussed questions remain + many new ones arise. Remember that communication is not only an exchange of information, but also an opportunity to establish a connection with another person. Confidence in yourself and that you are worthy of attention and approval is the basis for natural and relaxed conversation. Confidence is key here, we hope the technique of “staying in the question” has now been added to you. Thank you for reading! Request a consultation on the B17 website and come visit our website https://manylova.rf/Phone: +79221955183 I will be glad to help
