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Joseph Campbell, an American mythology scholar, says that “in all mythological traditions there is a woman. She just is. All she has to do is realize that she is the place that everyone wants to reach. When a woman understands what her wonderful image is, she will stop striving to be a pseudo-man” [1] Being one of the basic archetypal scenarios of feminine individuation, the myth of Cassandra carries within itself the ancient gift of a woman not only to foresee, but also to influence the course of events. Her special connection with the archetype of the Inner Oracle allows her to come into contact with deep and intimate feelings, to understand the irrational nature of existence. Every woman, to one degree or another, has the gift of prophecy, but in order to accept and realize it, it is necessary to overcome the internal split with her feminine nature. The image of Cassandra is most often associated with mistrust, madness and doom. A sorceress who is afraid of her gift and tries to escape from it. If this inner figure is blocked, a woman does not hear her intuition, does not trust her feelings, experiences fear of making a mistake or causing harm. Feelings of her irrationality and mystery of feelings, misunderstanding of her own nature often causes a victim complex in a woman and she begins to feel guilty for her authenticity , which in turn gives rise to a tendency towards self-blame and codependent relationships. The transformation of the Cassandra complex from the pole of guilt to the pole of inspiration makes it possible to significantly reduce the danger of codependent relationships and manipulation of guilt. Thus, being the basis of the victimization complex, the archetypal figure of Cassandra needs transformation. Laurie Leighton Shapiro discusses the Cassandra archetype in detail in her book “The Cassandra Complex. A modern view of hysteria.” She writes: “A woman with a Cassandra complex has a special hysterical pattern that includes a marked split personality. Such a woman often turns out to be extroverted and well-adapted - bright, active, competent, responsible, even obsessive in what she does, and also capable of maintaining long-term, albeit sometimes superficial, relationships. But at times her Persona suddenly falls apart, revealing a frightened little girl yearning for care and attention, but unable to express her needs or find her way into the unconscious.” [2] According to Shapiro, the Cassandra archetype personifies the archetypal conflict between matriarchal and patriarchal values ​​vying for power, with the power of potestas in this conflict completely replacing the power of libido [3] When we talk about the archetypal Cassandra scenario, it can be fully present or partly not only as part of female individuation, but also manifests itself through the stage of revealing emotionality - contact with the irrational manifestation of femininity as a significant force of intuition and sensuality. “The medial woman is the most mystical of the female types. She is a mystery to herself and a mystery to those she meets. Unlike other types, its main relationships are with the other, with the unknown, with God or gods. She stands at the junction of the known and the unknown; between this world as we know it and another world; between what is and what will be or was; between what could be and what should not be; between rationality and irrationality. She is a thinker, seer, medium, fortune teller, clairvoyant, fortune teller, witch, pythia, fortune teller, witch, enchantress, saint and/or angel. Expressed in psychological terms, it connects consciousness and the deepest levels of the collective unconscious. We touch her realm when we think about our dreams, and we draw closer to her when we notice strange coincidences in our daily lives.” [4]=======In the practice of the Teurung Association of Depth Psychology, group therapeutic work with the archetype showed effective resultsCassandra, aimed at transforming the negative manifestation of the victim complex and gaining connection with the archetype of the Inner Oracle - an inexhaustible source of creative authentic creativity. Using methods of deep transformations, program participants go through the basic stages of transforming destructive aspects associated with generic life scenarios, as well as with complexes at the level of the personal unconscious .The initial stage of work involves diagnosing rejecting figures and perceiving the intuition inherent in the archetype of the Divine Child using the methods of active imagination. A female medium in interaction with the collective unconscious can be a classical medium, i.e. be a passive conductor, but can also cause it herself.[3] Cassandra, as a deeply trance figure, is governed by her Gift, which we can relate to the archetype of the Inner Oracle, manifested in the inner space in a personified way. And in order to invite this inner figure, it is necessary to determine which personal or generic complexes the confrontation is associated with. Most often, rejection is manifested by one’s own rationality, Zeus’s rationalistic pragmatism, tribal outcast, fear of autism and anapsiosis. Thus, the results of the first session are the constellation of the image of the Inner Oracle through the living of mythodrams. James Hillman considers the phenomenon of a female medium in inextricable connection with the Animus archetype, namely, with the Apollo archetype. In his opinion, it is this image of male perfection that is the main cause of female hysteria, and the mechanism is conjunction. As Hillman shows, the Apollonian Animus of a woman, penetrating not only the level of consciousness, but also the level of the Superego, gives rise to the idea of ​​female subordination and forms a cause-and-effect relationship between repressed chthonic femininity and hysteria. [3] Therefore, the next stage is interaction with the figure of Dark Apollo, overcoming traumatic experience and finding the inner meaning of feelings. In the process of work, it is possible to determine which feelings were most disturbed and which aspects became the subject of an attack by Dark Apollo, which first of all needs transformation through the resources of archetypal female figures. The participants constellate within themselves that female archetype, which is the basis of internal faith, the justification of that feeling that has been devalued by a man. The Shadow archetype has a powerful influence on individuation, therefore, the continuation of the program is the acquisition of Hecate’s resources as the opening of access to inner wisdom and strength. The goddess of witchcraft and night roads knows the paths and roads, this is her strength in both this and the other world. Laurie Leighton Shapiro writes that “in the pre-Hellenistic era, Hecate was the Great Mother, a full-fledged goddess who ruled over earth, sky and sea. However, in the era of patriarchy, she lost her identity, along with her virginity and motherhood, and therefore a significant part of her power. Hecate's early associations with cosmic energy and high moral and moral strength opened the way for ancient Greek religion to the original chthonic connections. Despite the fact that Hecate regained her title as the goddess of the moon and patroness of childbirth, the ancient Greeks believed that she was associated with evil. She was known as the Daughter of the Night, goddess of the dark moon and black magic. She opened people's ability to see, but at the same time drove them to madness and mental illness.[2] The Cassandra woman really tests the power of her creative potential and learns that she needs not only to meet the expectations of others. She comes to understand her own worth and power and how to use it to get what she wants. But to determine her own future, she must learn to see even the darkest sides of reality, believe in what she sees, and have the courage to draw conclusions from it. She should learn to consciously anticipate the course of events and4
