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When we talk about laziness, I remember lines from a poem by N.A. Zabolotsky, included in the title. Laziness is a state when a person experiences reluctance or lack of motivation to perform any actions or tasks. Which often causes feelings of guilt and/or shame, as it can interfere with the achievement of goals and plans. This is the definition and the direct consequences. But what is really behind it? The psychological aspect of laziness is very diverse. There are as many reasons for experiencing this state as there are people. Some of us experience laziness due to information overload or lack of energy. Others may simply not see the point in doing something if the result will not bring them satisfaction or will be delayed in time. The rest will have some other reason of their own. And this is not accidental. In most cases, laziness is associated with the thoughts and beliefs of a particular person. For example, if the conditional Masha considers herself incapable or not skilled enough to complete the task of cleaning the floor, then it will be difficult for her to overcome laziness and get to work. The environment can also have a significant influence: if Masha is close to relatives who have never taken it upon themselves to take up the mop, or do not support her cleaning efforts, walking in dirty shoes on a clean floor, then this can also affect her and her manifestations. How to “not allow the soul to be lazy” and overcome laziness? To cope with this condition, it is important to understand , as already mentioned above, what is behind it. To do this, it will be useful to pay attention to your emotions and thoughts. For example, by trying to answer the following questions:🔘 How do I feel when faced with laziness?🔘 What is really stopping me from taking action?🔘 What beliefs are stopping me from moving forward? Once the answers to these questions have been found, you can begin develop strategies for overcoming laziness or the true reasons for lack of motivation. Sometimes you need the help of a psychologist. Are there universal ways? ✔ If we talk about universal ways to combat laziness that are suitable for everyone, then this may include setting specific and realistic goals. What does it mean? Solving global, big problems often frightens many, thereby delaying not only their resolution, but also the beginning of the implementation process. Anxiety will decrease if you divide big and scary tasks into small steps that will allow you to gradually move towards the main goal.✔ In addition, it is important to create a supportive environment, namely, find people who will “be for you”, that is, believe, motivate and encourage. ✔Providing yourself with the necessary resources and conditions for work can also be a decisive factor. For example, for the conditional Masha, which we talked about above, these will not be an ordinary bucket with a mop, but a cleaning kit with a spin cycle or a washing vacuum cleaner.✔ And of course, you should not forget about the basis of emotional well-being - self-care. Regular rest, exercise, proper nutrition and sleep can give a boost of energy and increase energy potential. A rested and fulfilled person has a greater chance of being motivated to do any activity. My Telegram channel https://t.me/natalialebedevapsySign up for a consultation Telegram
