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A world obsessed with the pursuit of ideality, ideal beauty... in appearance, behavior, relationships. Such a World is sick and... this is our modern World. Every grain of human life is, as it were, gradually pushed by an extensive system of propaganda of producers of goods and services towards ideality. A person is programmed to be afraid of his own and other people’s imperfections, not just shamed or mocked, but deprived of the opportunity to realize himself if he does not strive for ideality, for ideal beauty in everything. The result and the opposite effect of this is a distortion of the adequate functioning of the psyche, in the most extreme cases - mental disorders, depression, suicide. Today I will show that the lack of ideality does not equal beauty, and it should not be equal. The practice of this understanding must be learned through direct experience of observation and action, but... it is possible, moreover, it is necessary. As the author and developer of Nature-Oriented Psychotherapy, who has been researching its functionality and effectiveness for many years and for more than 6000 hours of practice, I draw experience from what Nature reveals to me. I am just learning to look and see, and then, observing, to act. Take a look at these photographs: So... - Is what is photographed here ideal? No. - But... is it beautiful? Oh yeah. In the usual understanding of people, there is nothing ideal in Nature... identical, constant, but there is a lot of beauty, when any imperfection can be no less than a masterpiece. Only changes in form, adaptation, development of new functions and capabilities are constant in Nature. The practice of these aspects of life allows not only to heal, but also to create support for the prevention of problems of the psychological spectrum. Various forms, cycles, elements and elements of Nature reveal answers to any, the most fundamental questions of the inner and outer world of a person. You just need to learn to take advantage of the opportunities... I can help with this. I talked about nature metaphors earlier, here are a few examples: a look at relationships and self-knowledge a metaphor for transformation and overcoming difficulties a look within oneself [Days when it snows and By the dark water] Man is a fool, bird is a good fellow If you are interested and want to dive deeper into the space of natural metaphors and their possibilities, I invite everyone to join me at INSTGR_LINK. There will be not just “some pictures for advertising” (although not without this), but in essence - the possibility of “pocket psychotherapy” using natural metaphors. I have already specially prepared and will gradually post more than 1000 unique photographs that will serve as the basis for natural metaphors that can be used to work with any current topics and conditions. If there is a desire, everyone will be able to ask questions, express their feelings and thoughts, or simply observe, because even the simple contemplation of natural images instead of urban ones is relaxing and calming. Anyone who wants to join is welcome @ermakovsv147
