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From the author: Some time ago, I heard this fairy tale from coach and teacher Vladimir Vinogradov and retold it in my own way. The meaning is the same. Try to find it for yourself and let it make your life more meaningful and better. A TALE ABOUT GOLDFISH AND HAPPINESS. So one day it happened somewhere on the Black Sea coast of Russia, where the waves gently caress the hospitable beaches... Once upon a time there lived a fisherman in a distant country. He regularly went to sea on his boat, sometimes with friends, sometimes alone. The fish caught was often enough to feed us, but sometimes it was a bit difficult. But he knew that this was his life, his destiny, because he couldn’t do anything else. From generation to generation, all his relatives were fishermen... One day he went to sea and caught... A large goldfish. The fish was unusual, modern. With an expensive watch on his flipper, he saw something like this in the movies on his old TV, with a mobile phone in his hand... she said: “he’s a good man, I’ve read fairy tales, I know. I will fulfill your three deepest desires. But I won’t put you in an awkward position and I suggest you think carefully. In a week, come here at the same time and make your first wish. Then another week later another one and then another. You will have all the time you need to understand what is truly valuable and important to you.” “Okay,” said the fisherman and released the fish into the sea. For a week he thought, dreamed, doubted that maybe the fish also had a handle, and it was possible to sign an agreement of intent, etc. A week later, at the appointed time, he came to the place, and the fish swam right on time. “What do you want for your first wish,” she asked the fisherman. “I want a Ferrari, a red one,” he said. And she began asking him about the details: year of manufacture, engine size, equipment, etc. He was surprised, of course, but he answered everything. The fish waved its fin, and a sealed bag with car keys, documents and even insurance emerged from the sea. “Go,” said the fish, “home, there’s a car waiting for you.” And come back in a week, I want to see you happy.” A week later they met in the same place. “Why are you so sad,” asked the fish, “you wanted this car?” “You know, fish, I realized that I can’t afford it, it doesn’t fit my lifestyle, I don’t have the money to maintain it. And those around me were divided into two types: those who humiliate themselves in front of me and ask for a ride, try to be friends because they think that I am rich and my past friends, who think that I am no longer their equal and do not communicate with me. But I realized what I really need! I want a billion dollars, then I will be rich and definitely happy. “Okay,” said the fish,” and a moment later a whole stack of diamond bank cards from all the banks in the world appeared out of the sea in a sealed bag. The happy fisherman prepared to leave. The fish said: “Come back in a week for the third wish, and I hope to see you happy.” A week later, a very expensively dressed man was sitting on the seashore, with a luxury watch and expensive shoes, but very sad. “Why are you sad again?” asked the fish. “You have had two of your most cherished, well-thought-out wishes come true.” The fisherman replied: “You know, fish, for a while I really enjoyed buying everything I wanted in this life, but when I realized that I could buy everything, I felt like... it’s sad and I don’t want anything else at all. Everything is there and it doesn’t bring joy and happiness. I realized what I really want. I want a woman of unearthly beauty who will obey and respect me, who will do everything I tell her. Then I will definitely be happy.” “Okay,” said the fish. And at that same moment, a girl of unearthly beauty with kind, obedient eyes emerged from the depths of the sea. It seemed that you could spend your whole life wonderfully with her. “Now I’ll definitely be happy,” said the fisherman. “You know, a good person,” said the fish. “I really want to see you happy, come in a week to the same place and make me happy, and then I will definitely be calm and happy….
