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From the author: Continuation of articles 1. "Look behind the curtain of therapy", 2. “Pitfalls” of counseling For clients who want to increase their level of awareness, and therefore the quality of their life. And also for novice psychologists for self-analysis, analysis of relationships with clients, their professional identity. Each client has “his own” psychologist/therapist/psychoanalyst. We discussed one reason for a client leaving therapy in the article “Pitfalls” of counseling.” Let me remind you a little about it with a quote: “... a client, coming to a psychologist, expects a “fastest and painless recovery”, a solution to his problems... they have accumulated over the years and it is impossible to solve them quickly. The discrepancy between this expectation, contact with painful and unpleasant memories, feelings, reactions, the duration of the “treatment” - all this is at a certain point in time a reason for leaving counseling. To fully understand the picture of what is happening in the counseling process, I think it is important to consider all possible reasons. The initial reason lies in an unconscious impulsive choice. Its influence on the hasty decision to leave therapy manifests itself later in the unformed strong trust in the specialist. How to choose a psychologist? What criteria should you rely on when choosing a psychologist? The criteria for choosing a psychologist can be (let my colleagues correct or complement me): - recommendations from friends, acquaintances, reviews of clients who have undergone therapy and are satisfied with its results; - personal acquaintance (you listened to lectures, attended a training and you liked the teacher); - personal sympathy (by looking at photos, resumes, studying personal and professional history, you develop trust in this person). Based on them, you will consciously and purposefully enter the counseling process, with a high probability of achieving the desired result. This will also contribute to the initial emergence of trust in the chosen specialist, which is absolutely necessary for starting therapy, personal study and building long-term constructive relationships. Consider the following reason for a client's possible departure from therapy. This is the incompetence of a psychologist. What does it consist of and how does it manifest itself? The components can be: 1. some experience in the field of consulting;2. reluctance to develop professionally; 3. absence (or insufficient amount) of personal therapy (working through) by the psychologist himself. So, a psychologist’s short work experience is objectively determined - he is a newcomer to the profession, and we all started at some point, and this applies to any profession. The absence (or insufficient amount) of personal therapy and professional growth of the psychologist himself may be due to subjective reasons, for example: reluctance to undergo individual therapy, psychoanalysis, lack of understanding of the need for professional development. And this concerns the internal ethics and personal safety of each psychospecialist. This demonstrates an honest, authentic attitude towards both yourself and the client. The objective reason is corrected by gaining one’s own experience. The listed subjective reasons are personal distortion and professional deformation of the specialist. It is difficult for the client to recognize this at first, but it is possible. “Other reasons,” as practice shows, are solvable if there is a desire: “the money is there,” and when moving to another city, you can consult on Skype, there is another option - find another specialist yourself, etc. The world provides many opportunities, you just have to “see it and take it.” Thus, knowing what you will have to come into contact with during the counseling process can encourage you, dear client, to take a more responsible approach to the choice of a psychologist (after all, you reveal and trust your soul to him), to the counseling process itself and what happens during it, to make this choice more conscious, and therefore eliminate or reduce the possibility of inflated expectations and illusions,.
