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I would like to remind you once again that people get divorced so that everyone can feel better. It is not so important what country the family lives in, but what is important is the mental, physical and moral well-being of the child when going through a divorce. It is important to remember three goals: - You must strive to ensure that your family remains a family in the eyes of your child; - Minimize all the negative consequences of the divorce process for the perception of your children; - Accept divorce as a part of our life, which is what so, it can also be. It is necessary to remember the above goals at all stages of the divorce, in solving all everyday difficulties. Then they will help make your steps and actions correct and meaningful. And you will not have to regret many words and actions. It is important to correlate your actions with the following rules: Do not resolve marital conflicts at the expense of the child; Do not insult or generally denigrate the image of your ex-spouse in the eyes of your child. Do not try to lie or tell lies to the child. . Always try to explain what is happening now in the family. We understand that the child’s former world, the world in which he was born and grew up, will no longer be the same, and he needs to learn to live differently, to adapt to new circumstances. And only you can help him with this, since this device can be very difficult for a child. One of the very first consequences of post-divorce stress for a child can manifest itself in disruption of his adaptation to everyday life. There may also be further consequences that will concern major changes in the child’s personality, his ideas about values, love and fidelity, and about what a family should be like. Sometimes it is not uncommon for an unfavorable family scenario to develop when the separation of spouses is considered an act in the order of things, a matter of course, and not an exception. Very often in practice you can find families where spouses do not value relationships and cohesion, do not have the skill of resolving conflict situations, and easily talk about divorce, manipulating each other, and the result is personal problems with the child in the first stages of their stay. are not always obvious. And it may mistakenly seem that nothing has changed for the child and he still does not understand anything. If you are going through a difficult pre-divorce period and you need help and support, do not hesitate to ask for help!
