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Today I will tell you what types of relationships there are and how to maintain a healthy atmosphere in communication. What kinds of relationships exist between people? There are several types of relationships: Super close and close relationships are the closest circle of friends. This includes those people whom we can completely trust. They are our family. Sometimes this is called a “narrow family circle.” Friendly, formal and super-formal relationships are a distant (distant) circle of communication. This includes those people to whom we do not tell everything about ourselves and do not trust them completely. These are loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances who are not part of your family. Super close people can include our parents when we are little, and our partner with whom we have a family when we grow up. There should be no one else in this circle. Super close ones are those on whom we can rely and seek their care and protection. We can completely trust them and tell them about everything that worries us, without fear of condemnation. Close people can include our own children until they turn 16-18 years old and become adults and independent. There should be no one else in this circle. Friendly relationships can arise with any person who trusts us and shares personal experiences and whom we trust. In friendship, we strive to maintain personal space and do not reveal part of our experiences, despite trust and warm feelings. This happens because a healthy person strives for autonomy and independence; she does not need to merge with other people in order to feel comfortable. Friendship relationships are distant. We must be mentally prepared for the fact that such people will behave more independently and less predictably. Friends can be brothers, sisters, grandparents and other relatives. Our parents become our circle of friends when we become older than 16-18 years. Friends can also be people who are close to us in spirit. Love and romantic relationships can be friendly. If we are paired with a person, he will not necessarily be our family. Such relationships can remain on a friendly level for years. Important! Physical intimacy does not = emotional. Formal relationships are those in which we are friendly towards each other, but cannot or do not want to talk about personal topics. We can call a person buddies if we feel sympathy for him. Acquaintances are those people towards whom we have a more neutral attitude. Friends or acquaintances can be relatives, work colleagues, neighbors, friends of friends, fellow travelers, people with whom we meet on business or to have fun. This circle may include fleeting romances and one-time love encounters. In formal relationships, we do not trust a person too much and are prepared for the fact that he may behave unpredictably. For example, communication will suddenly stop. Super formal relationships are when we just politely say hello and nothing else happens. At the same time, we can know minimal information about each other. For example, this could be a guest at a wedding from the opposite side, a lecturer at your university, a colleague from a neighboring department, a salesperson at the checkout in a store, or a barista in a coffee shop. How to build relationships with people In order to manage your communication and avoid getting into awkward situations, you You can follow the following instructions: Determine where the person is for you. Analyze your relationship with him and decide who he is for you: super close, close, friend, buddy or super formal acquaintance. Try to understand where you are for this person. Determine in which part of its coordinate system you are located. To do this, you can pay attention to how much a person makes contact. If he is friendly, shares personal information, is ready to listen to you and help, then most likely he has you in his close or friendly circle. If he communicates politely, but does not share personal information and is not ready to help, then he is probably.
