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From the author: We live in an era of confused parents. The world is constantly changing and we don't know. what to prepare your children for. We have to move from the temporary to the eternal in order to answer this question. We live in an era of confused parents. Previously, nothing changed for centuries, but now every five years something happens that can radically change the way of life. The traditional way of life proposed preparing children for adult life, introducing them to accepted forms of life, work, leisure, and relationships. Introducing is very practical, through action and participation in the common life of the family. Today everything is different, and the childhood of mothers and fathers is so different from the childhood of their sons and daughters that you are lost - what to cling to, how to find a point of contact? I love books very much and try to read books with my daughter. So far, it seems to be working. Probably because my own eyes light up when I re-read children’s books or, even cooler, when I read them for the first time. But that doesn’t make me any less confused. Parents look at their children’s childhood and don’t know what to do about it. Helplessness is an unpleasant feeling. It often becomes the reason for the desire to withdraw and switch from education to provision. The parent begins to work a lot for the child, but to be with the child a little. He becomes tired, lost, irritable, afraid that he will be caught losing his understanding of the fact of what it means to be a parent. Outwardly, he can say the most correct things, organize physical, aesthetic and intellectual education for the child, but he himself demonstrates a loss of brightness of life, acts as if he is forced to live, and he does not want it himself. Real life ceases to feel like a gift from God, it becomes a burdensome duty. We know that example educates much better than words. Especially if this is an example of attitude. Children quickly pick up on the mood of their parents, and not only them. The adults around us, for the most part, experience the same thing. The child learns not to live moments in time, but to serve time - in kindergarten, at school, is constantly in anticipation of something brighter and more unusual, losing the ability to understand that brightness and beauty are in the soul of the beholder. Moms and dads of children look forward to weekends and vacations with the same nervous anticipation, and when they come, they are invariably disappointed. I sometimes ask my clients to think about what it means to them to be an adult. Who is he? What is he like? What does he like? What is he afraid of? What does he live for? And also think about what can bring satisfaction in life? The answers are usually very interesting. The picture of “adult life” is a place that you never want to end up in. Fortunately, man is created in the image and likeness of God, and he tries to protect himself from life by manifesting aspects of the divine in himself, only it turns out clumsily. God the Father is, first of all, the Creator of the world, and man creates for himself a different, alternative world of illusions. This could be computer games, the Internet space, which provides a lot of opportunities to appear and not be. Over time, you can go into the reality of intoxication with alcohol, drugs, excitement or sex. God the Son defied the prince of this age, sacrificed Himself, and redeemed us. The young man decides to rebel against the trap of obligations that he hates, begins to contradict the world of adults, perceiving it as a host of hypocritical Pharisees and scribes. We also call the Holy Spirit the Comforter. People usually find comfort in the community of their own kind. Children and youth create groups - real and virtual - in which they can express and share the pain of contact with reality. Even in cramped conditions, the child continues to bear the likeness of God, he feels the wrongness of the world around him, but everything goes awry because there is no love. There is no love for life, people, oneself and God, because love can only be learned by example. It is difficult to show an example of God's love without having a parent's love before your eyes. Scripture describes the relationship between/
