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"Reconciliation Agreement" is a useful psychological technique that helps to manifest, clarify and resolve internal confrontation in a constructive, reconciling manner. I will illustrate the technique using the example of working with a request for weight loss (for example, in the situation of maternity care for a baby). I recently did just this kind of work. Let me demonstrate...1. Imagine an imaginary courtroom.2. The prosecutor is called to the stand. In other words, the critical part of the personality that makes an accusatory speech.3. We give the floor to the prosecutor of the case. “Dear court, I am forced to state the fact of a malicious violation of: diet, sleep patterns and a healthy, sports schedule, which led the defendant to catastrophic results. Today, the defendant’s weight significantly exceeds the permissible norm, burdening her health. At the same time, the defendant behaves irresponsibly, without solving the problem situation.”4. A lawyer is called to the stand. In other words, the opposite part of the personality that justifies the current state of affairs.5. We give the floor to the defendant’s defender, the lawyer. “Dear court, my client is very busy throughout the day: with her child, her household, her husband; He doesn’t have time to go in for sports, but he deserves sweets as a reward for the “many tons” of work done. I think the accusation is exaggerated and inaccurate. The defendant does not have the resources to resolve the situation.”6. For a second, we pause the court scene (pause the game) and draw the client’s (or client’s) attention to the fact that the prosecutor, in his manifest essence, is none other than the internal parent of a particular person, with his own responsibilities, norms and prohibitions, and the lawyer is a self-centered child , with my “I want” and “I can”. We are wondering: who is noticeably missing in this positional system? We come to the conclusion: of course, an adult, that is, a constructive part of the personality, capable of reconciling the conflicting aspects of the game process. We introduce this position as a judge. We continue the creative task.7. The case is referred to a qualified judge, who retires to decide the process.8. Thus, it opens up a useful opportunity for the client (or client) to reach a decisive platform - to create a reconciliatory agreement that will contribute to a constructive solution to the situation. The objectives of the agreement are: - to reconcile the opposing parts of the personality, - to set them up for partnership and - to launch a solution to the “court case” ( in this case - a request for weight loss).9. Let's move on... Giving the floor to the respected court. “I ask everyone to stand up!” The trial is underway!” “Dear participants of the meeting, the court consulted and made a balanced decision. Let's say it point by point. So... – Taking into account the prosecutor’s speech, we consider it correct to organize and appoint (under the responsibility of the prosecutor) a system of measures and rules according to which the defendant’s life activities will be carried out over the next 6 months: diet, sleep regimen, daily routine, with a schedule of sports activities, walks and possible spa treatments. – Based on the lawyer’s presentation (based on real workloads and significant efforts to fulfill them), the defendant is encouraged with permissive hours and days free from the assigned schedule, on which she can allow herself to violate the established procedure - periodically, throughout the entire period .– The adopted system of measures is introduced in the interests of the defendant and meets the objectives of its best implementation.” “The decision is final and not subject to appeal!” Thus (during a creative task, a psychological game) we: reveal the opposing parts of the personality, explore the problematic request, activate the “adult” part of the person’s personality and launch a solution to the problem posed in therapy. It is very good to write down a verdict on paper and hand it to yourself as a permitting ticket to a harmonious, healthy life. It would be excellent to solemnly accept the ticket, with a good blessing for success. A helping person can present the ticket and express good wishes, ideally -.
