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Why do we often experience incomprehensible uncomfortable feelings when there are no apparent reasons for this? Well, yes, we know - everything is from our heads! What is going on in our heads and, most importantly, how can it be changed? What happens is that we SEE, HEAR, FEEL something all the time. All information comes to us through these channels, passes through our filters and is stored as we perceived it, for example: Dangerous - Safe, Believe - Don't Believe, Beautiful - Terrible, etc. If you open the skull, you will not see any pictures or sounds there. It's the same on TV - there are no pictures, but they are there! But we have IMAGES, SOUNDS, FEELINGS, and this is ready-made material that we can extract from memory and CHANGE as we want (NLP techniques can help us). We as individuals are made up of the memory of these pictures and sounds and they are interconnected by a gigantic network. All thinking can be represented as a three-dimensional triangle, where on the lower three corners there are SEEING, HEARING, FEELING, and this is all held together at the top by internal SPEECH. The very images, sounds, feelings without words have no meaning, just as words without images, sounds and feelings also have no meaning. Moreover, WITH WORDS (internal dialogue) we control our images, sounds, feelings. The first and fastest we perceive images and sounds at the same time, and the slowest - feelings. And now the most important thing: WHERE DO ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS COME FROM? And from there, that most often we do not see images, do not hear sounds, but are aware only of the last element of our psyche - FEELINGS! We are like blind and deaf moles in relation to ourselves... And when a person begins to shake from fear, from illness or from something else, then he “wakes up” and begins to realize, and not always... We are born without the ability BE AWARE of yourself. Self-awareness is an ability, it is something that needs to be learned. 99% of our thinking occurs on our internal screen and we are not aware of it. Why? Because we look more at the floor, instead of raising our heads and seeing that there is also the sun there! You can “turn on” the light bulb in your head to see this. START watching your images, your sounds, your internal dialogue - what are you telling yourself, what tone are you telling yourself, what volume, what intonation? What images do you frighten yourself with, what images do you enjoy? What sounds scare yourself and what sounds make you happy? That is, what do you see, what do you hear and what do you tell yourself? And the last channel is feelings. And until you learn to CONNECT - what I saw, heard and then felt, you will be a hostage to your thinking... And this, alas, must be trained throughout your life. Or you can divide it into days. Turn inside yourself 5-7 times a day, pay attention to images, sounds, internal dialogue. And do it sequentially: first observe the images, then the sounds, then the internal dialogue, then go into the body. What turned on this feeling in me now?
