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At the root of the very word “RESPONSIBILITY” its meaning is hidden, namely to be responsible and bear the “responsibility” for the decision made and the act committed (action or inaction). It is not for nothing that they say that to refrain from action or from making a decision is also an action. Analyzing developmental psychology and personality theories, a clear understanding has come that responsibility is nothing more than an elementary upbringing skill, which some people currently possess beyond measure, while others do not possess at all. During the period of development The child reaches a period when he can independently establish cause-and-effect relationships (approximately 3-5 years (depending on individual development)) and accordingly track the results of his actions and decisions. By the end of adolescence (13-15 years), the teenager’s skill of responsibility should already be fully developed, that is, he has a clear understanding of himself (body, mind, soul (needs, emotions, desires) and the society in which he interacts We can highlight the most important types of responsibility such as one’s own health, safety, life, actions related to the well-being of loved ones and other people (within the framework, for example, of the right not to wake up a tired person for no apparent reason), responsibility for one’s own things, decisions made, etc. promises made (even if the promise cannot be fulfilled, it is necessary to notify the person to whom it was given about a change in oneself or circumstances). Everything in our world has two polar sides and a golden mean, also called the “royal path”. deviation is lived either in a state of hyper-responsibility or irresponsibility. It is important to note that in any deviation it is necessary to look for fear and need that “push” a person from the “royal path”. Hyper-responsible people have secretly received the second name “thieves of other people’s lives”, very often in this category There are mothers who overprotect their children, and sometimes children who take on the role of parents of their parents. Hyper-responsibility is characterized by the fact that a person takes on responsibility that has nothing to do with him: - Do you want meat or fish? - He will have fish. - ??? - Is your son enrolling in philology? - No, I think that this is not a male profession. - You need to drive up and bring documents to the office - No, mom won’t be able to, I’ll bring the documents. - ??? - Father, you will live with us. Thus, a person, as it were, lives two, and sometimes three, four and even more lives. At the same time, as a rule, he no longer has enough time or energy to do his own thing. Irresponsibility is, of course, literally the scourge of our society. Eternal children, incapable of making a decision or committing an act. Irresponsibility manifests itself either as a complete refusal to make decisions (Where would you like to work? I don’t know; You’ve been dating for two years, are you planning to get married? I don’t know, we’re fine as is) or making decisions/committing actions, but refusing the consequences caused by them (you took out a loan, but violated the terms of payment on the loan; you had children, but do not pay child support; you use utilities, but do not make payments for them). At the same time, , as noted above, refusal to perform an action is already an action, refusal to make a decision is already a decision, which, if it must be made, will be made - but by someone else. It’s not for nothing that we all interact with each other and for every hyper-responsible person there will be an irresponsible one, what to do? It goes without saying that we live our lives, make decisions, commit actions and with high awareness be ready to bear responsibility for the consequences and even if they turn out to be different from expected to be ready to re-communicate and continue to live, accepting both joys and difficulties, because work, they say, made a man out of a monkey))) If the skill of responsibility was not instilled in you by your parents, you need to realize its necessity in your life, understand that responsibility is this is one of the foundations
