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Endless doubts about your choice exhaust your soul and drain your strength. There really is no choice of right or wrong. There are choices and their consequences. Making a final decision means saving energy for planning and implementing further actions. And the result depends on these actions. An energetic woman aged 40+, after moving to another country, plans to get a second higher education in a new specialty. But doubts about the choice gnaw: which of the two options to choose? Work with people, which your heart aspires to, or a good old economics specialty? The sign of Libra adds trash to her emotional attraction. Metaphorical associative cards to help us! After some hesitation (well, where would we be without it!) I settle on the wonderful “OH” deck, created by Canadian artist Eli Raman in collaboration with German psychotherapist Moritz Egentmeyer. 88 picture cards are complemented by 88 word cards. Not more, not less - 7744 variants of combinations of words and pictures. There is somewhere to roam! It's simple: 5 random selections of words and pictures for specialty No. 1. And 5 random selections of words and pictures for specialty No. 2. And then we carefully listen to the client’s associations. Specialty No. 1. Working with people. 1. Ups and downs await me. You can only dream about stability.2. I will be ashamed for my imperfect knowledge of the language; this may become a hindrance in finding a job.3. For me the glass will be half empty. And this is sad.4. I will have to compete with my colleagues and adapt. But I don’t like it.5. My new specialty will allow me to play professionally with children and develop them. I will be more loved and respected in my family. Specialty No. 2. Economic.1. I'm still at a crossroads. In which country will this specialty be useful to me? What if circumstances change? 2. I will “hammer” knowledge into my head and study diligently. And I hope I will love this profession. Moreover, I have always had a penchant for mathematics.3. Nice calm landscape. Working in this specialty will give me the opportunity to stand firmly on my feet financially. And my mother will be happy with my choice. 4. I will change for the better while doing this profession. How a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly.5. Without a doubt, working in this specialty will allow me to direct and regulate my life myself. Final choice The client once again went through the card layouts and decided to choose economics as her main specialty. And having received a stable material basis, develop psychological skills as a hobby, for the soul. Another article of mine on the topic of choice https://www.b17.ru/article/84100/ You can make the choice yourself, with a set of any images from the Internet. But I know from experience that the presence of a warm, understanding and accepting specialist nearby makes this fascinating process safe and resourceful. Contact me, I will be glad to help you. Skype and Viber will cover any distance.
