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Currently we can distinguish two views on our life, this is the traditional, purely human one and the view from the position of us as a spiritual being or our highest potential. How do they differ from each other? Our life potential from the perspective of a traditional view is a point of view where we compare ourselves with other people and strive to achieve positions accepted in society. So, for example, we strive to create a family, i.e. a person believes that he should have a family, a job or some kind of professional or personal achievement, the realization of talents, the manifestation of oneself in society, as an individual or creative expression. When we compare ourselves with other people, we see that in some ways we may not correspond to the average statistical standard and may be inferior to others in some ways. Such comparisons give rise within us to a state of grief, disharmony, self-blame, internal dissatisfaction appears, you can even nag yourself. Thus, all lived circumstances within us leave an energetic trace inside our consciousness because we look and evaluate ourselves all the time according to the norms and rules that are accepted in society. Our life potential is usually realized through the public and unspoken laws of how everything must be arranged and all people strive to meet these standards and rules. This is the main cause of internal disharmony and conflict. These are states that bring pain inside and can be compared with blocks of consciousness that undermine self-confidence, prevent us from treating ourselves with trust and revealing the full potential of life that everyone has inside. So what are we going to do? We will look at our human existence from the height of our angelic peak, from the position that we are a master angel. This means that we will allow you to look at yourself, at your achievements and failures, emotions of various types, both positive and negative polarity, at your relationships with an unbiased mind. We will look at the relationships that suit you or not, at talents or even the lack thereof, and at various other manifestations in our lives, as a process, as an experience. Not as an ideal to strive for, but simply as an experience, understanding that our full potential manifests itself in our lives through our body, through our personality, through our relationships and through our achievements. If our full potential in life were not manifested through our body, we could not realize ourselves on this earth, because the body serves as the instrument through which we can manifest our inner soul. And when we rise to this angelic peak, believing that we are a master angel, then from its height you will be able to look at your life. You will be able to have an experience where you will see the big picture of life, see the forest for the trees, and then the understanding of the deeper meaning of your life will occur. A certain shift will occur that will allow you to look at your life without blaming yourself, without condemnation and without evaluation, without the desire to achieve at any cost some ideals that are created by people, culture and are, naturally, to a sufficient extent, conditional. This view will allow see the picture so big that it can happen, at this moment, even an understanding of why you behaved this way in life. Maybe there are some things that you have not yet resolved for yourself. So what is our highest potential? You can learn about this in more detail by listening to my free webinar “From the Heights of Angel Peak"
