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Fight smoking! Already in all healthcare institutions of the Krasnodar Territory, in pursuance of the order of the Minister of Health of the Territory, smoking was banned in the workplace, the “smoking area” was moved “out into the open air”, information stands were installed about the dangers of smoking, a column on smoking was introduced in the patient questionnaire with a recommendation for refusal, health posts and consultation rooms have been opened to help those who quit smoking... At yesterday's conference of doctors, they even remembered the times when a patient was recommended to quit smoking before starting treatment for his smoking-related illness. And to make it easier to quit, methodological materials have been developed to help quit smoking with a list of health harms and reasons for quitting. The harm of smoking is clearly shown - the Sochi National Health Resort is declared smoke-free and information stands with posters of lungs damaged by smoking are installed in its parks - and people just went for a walk! (based on some European experience - I wonder since when is everything in Sochi in the European style?! - probably since it became the Olympic capital). Now smoking is not only unfashionable, but also expensive - and it’s not just about the future rising prices for smoke. Imagine a person who smokes an average pack of 20 cigarettes a day. For each one, on average, two minutes, well, to get at least some pleasure - already 40 minutes. Let's add here the time for changing clothes (so as not to shake the ashes from the white coat onto the patient) and the time to go out in the smoking area (and in some institutions, for example, in the hospital in Sochi on the initiative of the chief physician, it is completely outside the territory of the institution - not this is the case when a doctor in a white coat smokes), and return back to his place of work. At best, an hour and a half... it’s impossible to take away the time for a legitimate lunch. So this is working time. Let's add here the time for treatment of diseases associated with smoking... There is no specialist. The specialist is ill. Rumor has it that a draft tax on smoking is being discussed - if you want to smoke, pay taxes and smoke freely. Although it’s not entirely free anymore... By the way, about freedom to smoke. There was a time when smoking was considered a matter of choice - I want to smoke, I want to, I don’t smoke. Nowadays, smoking is no longer considered a choice, it is not considered a habit, it is not even considered a bad habit! It is considered a disease - nicotine addiction. “That’s how it works!” - the resourceful smoker will exclaim, - “Give me a certificate that I’m sick!” Not so. If you are sick, then get treatment! Responsibility for treatment lies with the patient. Nicotine addiction, although a chronic disease, is completely curable if the patient wishes. The state will not finance self-poisoning. I remember the story, it happened in 1996. The newly created oil production LLC declared a non-smoking area of ​​the enterprise - a hazardous production. A high-status man almost cried, forced to eat a cigarette while going to see his boss - the general did not smoke, and he could smell the smell a mile away. What’s strange is that smokers are very trusting of advertising solutions to problems, such as “chew our gum and the smell will disappear,” but what about hair and clothes? Every smoker knows that a place where smoking is IMPOSSIBLE causes a state of panic. What he did was, before going, he smoked more than usual to curb the desire. Then he ate, drank... I went to the meeting with a heavy feeling and... one thought - “If only I didn’t drag it out too long!” You can guess what the result was! He could hardly wait for the end of the audience and literally fell out of the main office and ran to the smoking area. What could be the results of negotiations in such a state? Clearly in favor of the non-smoking boss... In a word, the offensive is on all fronts. The set goal is to achieve a reduction in cigarette consumption in the country to 25% by 2020. from the current approximately 30%, which, according to experts, will lead to an increase in life expectancy by approximately 100 thousand. people. And most importantly, it will allow you to comply with the rules of staying in the elite union! So what if our results are not enough?!
