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Let me start with the fact that before it was no stretch to call me a tourist. The concept of “my vacation” has always included two points: “sea” and “all inclusive”. I perceived people with backpacks and going hiking at least as “strange.” And then at the beginning of 2009 I learned about Altai. And although there is no sea there, they tell me so deliciously about Altai that I decide to try to go there once. As you know, the Universe always responds to our desires; it immediately turns out that a psychological group is gathering and going with a training program to Altai. And I signed up. I prepared for this trip almost like I was preparing for space travel, like something that went beyond the boundaries of my experience. Which, in general, was absolutely true. I refused to buy a tent and sleeping bag - I have a suitcase on wheels! And I won’t even lift my backpack. And anyway, what kind of sleeping bag?! I plan to live in a house. Friends, realizing my complete inadequacy in this matter, forcibly handed me a sleeping bag and a tent. Having previously selected a suitcase. I flew to Altai in a semi-fainting state - this was a feat for me! When we arrived, we were told that we would live on some island in the middle of the river. I was skeptical about this - because there are islands only on lakes. What islands are there in the rivers?! We arrived on the Island at night. The fear was already prohibitive. When they said that we had to walk along the hanging bridge... Let me not admit what I was thinking at the moment when I stepped on it. Darkness, the river roars below. And the bridge sways. Luckily, my backpack was taken by some man, who later turned out to be Max, who works on the island. And so I cross this bridge, remembering what seemed like my whole life and saying goodbye to all my loved ones. And again darkness, paths made of stones, and a tent. The tent turned out to have beds (wow!), lights (two wow!) and a heater (three wow!). My friend and I laid out our sleeping bags on the bed, climbed into them, and got ready to get a new experience - how can you even sleep in this. And then morning came... The light made its way into the tent and I decided to go outside. I opened the zipper on the tent, looked out, and... fell in love. After the night picture, generously seasoned with my fears, what I saw defied description. Sun, trees, paths made of stones, fences along them made of snags and roots. I walked around the Island this morning and realized that this love would last forever. Something happened at that moment, because I had never seen anything more real. The love with which everything is done on this Island can be felt everywhere. And in these paths, and in the well, and in the washbasins, and in the sea buckthorn on the shore. Although I refused to wash myself in the sink right away. I did this in the Katun, a luxurious river of an unusual milky-greenish color, from which you can drink the water without even boiling it. Afterwards I ate sea buckthorn straight from the bush, and walked and walked around the island. Some inner natural part of me woke up then, and showed up very clearly and powerfully. And I forgot what “all inclusive” was, because what had previously been my idea of ​​a vacation was immediately shattered by the reality that sounded everywhere. . Here, on every millimeter of the island, there were energies and resources. And many, many stones, which I will then take home, fearing overweight at the airport. Water, air, sky... And the sky there is so low... Surprisingly low that you can touch the stars and clouds with your hands. And then there was a bathhouse in which I met Arjuna and his son. And I wasn’t even surprised, because on this island magic and miracle are reality. And the reality is such a bathhouse, which I have never seen anywhere else, and a steam room with brooms and aromatic oils, and a fabulous massage by the Master, and his singing, and a dip after the steam room in the icy Katun. It turns out that Arjuna stops on this Island every year because there are very strong energy zones there. There are resource ones that give energy. And there are those who take away the negativity that you want to part with.
