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From the author: This article belongs to the section “Perinatal psychology”, the main achievements of which are: the theoretical foundations for the prevention of disorders, optimization and correction of the mental development of the child in the prenatal and early postnatal period have been developed; the relationship between the psychological problems of parents and the characteristics of the child’s mental development was identified; methods for diagnosing psychological readiness for motherhood (parenthood) have been proposed; methods and means of psychological assistance to the child, mother and family have been developed in preparation for parenthood and overcoming psychological and psychosomatic problems of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and child development. The founder of the theoretical base is considered to be Stanislav Grof, an American of Czech origin, one of the founders of transpersonal psychology. The main provisions are as follows: in humans, perinatal events are recorded in the form of four main matrices, corresponding to the process of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. They are called basic perinatal matrices.1) Matrix of naivety. This matrix corresponds to the period of pregnancy until the onset of labor. When its formation begins is not very clear. Most likely, it requires the presence of a formed cerebral cortex in the fetus - i.e. 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. Some authors suggest cellular memory, wave memory, etc. In this case, the matrix of naivety begins to form immediately after conception and even before it. This matrix forms a person’s life potential, his potential, and ability to adapt. Desired children, children of the desired gender, with a healthy pregnancy have a higher basic mental potential. 2) The victim matrix. It is formed from the moment of the onset of labor until the moment of complete or almost complete dilatation of the cervix. Approximately corresponds to the 1st stage of labor. The child experiences the pressure of contractions, some hypoxia, and the “exit” from the uterus is closed. In this case, the child partially regulates his own labor by releasing his own hormones into the mother’s bloodstream through the placenta. If the load on the child is too high and there is a danger of hypoxia, in this case he can slow down his labor in order to have time to compensate. From this point of view, labor stimulation disrupts the natural process of interaction between mother and fetus and forms a pathological matrix of the victim. On the other hand, the mother’s fear, fear of childbirth provokes the release of stress hormones by the mother, spasm of the placental vessels occurs, fetal hypoxia, and then the victim matrix is ​​also formed pathological. During a planned caesarean section, this matrix cannot be formed, but during an emergency it is formed. 3) The struggle matrix. Approximately corresponds to the 2nd stage of labor. It is formed from the end of the opening period until the birth of the child. It characterizes a person’s activity at moments in life when something depends on his active or expectant position. If the mother behaved correctly during the period of pushing, helped the child, if he felt that during the period of struggle he was not alone, then in later life his behavior will be adequate to the situation. During caesarean section, both planned and emergency, the matrix does not appear to be formed, although this is controversial. Most likely, it corresponds to the moment the child is removed from the uterus during the operation. 4) Freedom Matrix. It begins from the moment of birth and its formation ends during the first 7 days after birth, or in the first month, or it is created and revised throughout a person’s life. Those. a person throughout his life reconsiders his attitude to freedom and his own capabilities, taking into account the circumstances of his birth. Different researchers estimate the duration of formation of the fourth matrix differently. If for some reason a child is separated from his mother after birth, then in adulthood he may regard freedom and independence as a burden and dream of returning to the matrix of innocence. It is considered that full-fledged breastfeeding.
