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For many, this phrase becomes familiar, while depression or depression is a fairly common problem for modern people. The reasons for its occurrence lie in unresolved stressful situations in the family or at work, and may be associated with an age-related crisis (when a person takes stock of his life and a feeling of dissatisfaction with himself arises). A fairly common situation when nothing pleases you in life is a discrepancy between a person’s ambitions and his real capabilities. So, what can you do to get out of this state and help yourself to your loved one? Here are some simple recommendations that you can follow to overcome depression: Break stereotypes. Psychologists advise: “If you are depressed, change your environment!” It’s good if you take a week and go on vacation, but if that doesn’t work out, change your usual route to work, add bright colors to your wardrobe (this could be a new scarf or an unusual T-shirt). Renovate your apartment, just change the wallpaper in at least one room, choose bright and warm colors, they will definitely lift your spirits and help you overcome depression! Healthy sleep. It is known that depression is often accompanied by insomnia. Therefore, when going to bed, ventilate the room. Fresh air promotes sound sleep. Take herbal infusions, for example, valerian, peony, motherwort. They will help normalize sleep and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. As you know, sleep is the best healer, so you should get a good night's sleep. Sports and physical activity are an excellent way to relieve internal stress. Choose a suitable sport for yourself, it could be swimming, running, cycling or horseback riding, or you can just walk. Do this regularly - and there will be no trace of your bad mood! Rest during the day. It is very important to alternate physical and mental activity, take breaks at work every 30-40 minutes. On weekends, if possible, go out into nature, this will help you take your mind off sad thoughts and life will sparkle with bright colors again. Autogenic training and yoga will also help you relax and relieve physical and mental stress. Tell us about your experiences. It’s good if there is a loved one in your life with whom you can talk and share your experiences. If this is not the case, you can keep a diary where you write about your thoughts, feelings and emotions, thereby freeing yourself from negative aspects. Read the continuation of the article here http://www.psiholog-24.ru/
