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There are friends in my circle who have repeatedly asked me the question “why even work on yourself”? Indeed, many people simply don’t think about it, they don’t know why they should work on their mental health, why they should work through their fears, complexes, or change their thinking. For example, even after giving birth, why can’t you JUST go on diets, do grueling workouts, but you MUST, first of all, come to your own spiritual harmony? The answer lies in the question itself. "Mental Harmony" “Mental harmony is mental balance, a person’s agreement with himself and the world around him.” It would seem that everything is simple. Everyone lives their life as they want and in the way that suits them. BUT! Often a person becomes so fused with his already familiar problems/difficulties/anxieties that he simply does not notice them and accepts them as the NORM. Although you can get rid of most of them and make your life much easier by simply WORKING WITH YOUR THINKING. Let's take a common everyday example: frequent anxiety. When leaving the apartment, check the sockets 500 times, “did I lock the door” and so on. It would seem, what's wrong with this? Well, I checked the door several times, so what? BUT! A person creates an alarming environment for himself. The brain is in an artificially created anxious situation. We said: “First there was a thought, then an emotion and a reaction of the body.” That is, this alarming situation affects the entire body: the heartbeat quickens, sweating increases, and so on. The human body as a whole begins to work ABNORMALLY! And this is just one of the small situations in our daily routine. But there are a lot of them and a person simply does not notice and does it automatically. It turns out that the body is almost constantly in a state of anxiety, in a state of stress. Which already affects PHYSICAL HEALTH. AND STRESS is a RISK FACTOR for many diseases. (Hint: in such a situation, when turning off the socket, say (preferably out loud) “I turned off the socket in the room,” when leaving, “I locked the door.” And, already outside at home, don’t return to these thoughts, don’t push yourself “did I lock it?”). This is one of the simplest everyday examples. When we talk about the postpartum period, it’s the same: if the mother is constantly in a state of anxiety, the child reads this and too becomes anxious, capricious, whiny, requiring constant attention. Why is mom in a state of anxiety? Hormonal waves, additional responsibility, dissatisfaction with appearance, the usual way of life completely changes and much more. A WOMAN BROADCASTS HER INNER STATE, AROUND READ IT AND MIRRORSIn brief, what reasons may there be for working ON HER INNER SELF: - everyday irritability, anxiety - dissatisfaction with one’s appearance - distrust of a partner, of others - VIOLATION OF PERSONAL BOUNDARIES - dependence on other people's opinions - allowing oneself to be manipulated - dissatisfaction with work / lack of fulfillment - some kind of fears And there may be many, many more reasons. And you CAN AND SHOULD WORK on this. How does it usually happen with me? I have frequent anxiety. But I have more or less learned to catch myself with these disturbing thoughts. And ask questions: is this really so or am I imagining it? What can I do about this now? If, indeed, something bad happens, what possible negative or positive way out of the situation could there be (here it is important not to get bogged down in fantasies)? And so on. That's all. This is where the soul-searching ends and I let go of this disturbing thought. Such anxiety can concern anything: the health of you and your loved ones, some situation (exam/interview/serious conversation), the situation at work, the situation in the country/planet, etc. I hope, in general terms, I was able to convey why (and all these reasons are only part) after all, in our EVERYDAY LIFE we need to understand ourselves, work on our thinking, change our negative beliefs and strive for harmony. 89174565250.
