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From the author: ...fiction is just a category into which information not confirmed by facts is dumped..and if there are no facts, then it is fiction...🌱Beyond the limit. ..The evening coffee cooled slowly. The room was filled with relaxation and peace. Lanolia sat alone in her favorite place. Here she could enjoy communication with a world that was not visible. This space could only be touched by a subtle awareness of oneself. The connection between the worlds was physical body. It transformed readings, knowledge. Information came in batches as usual. Lanolia seemed to be reading a large cosmic encyclopedia, leafing through the realities of multidimensional aspects. It was fascinating and at times, the unmanifested manifested itself or she moved into the dimensions of the subtle. Borders were erased, veils melted and it was easy to get everything she needed. There was one thing she didn’t understand. Why do you need to return to the dense layers again? Everything seems to be done. The earthly plane was no longer of interest to Lanolia. The girl studied all the necessary disciplines, lived through states that are called negative on Earth. She played countless roles, the mechanisms of action of which mostly saddened her. She indifferently learned to react to all artificial scenario programs laid down before incarnation. These old-type ones toys, completely revealed the picture of how everything works and why. It became so obvious that the body is something more than people talk about it. Lanolia remembered herself. The emotional plane was completely reset. Now she could look at her thoughts like a movie. They were interesting to play with. They consisted of several components. All these fragments could be changed, condensed, disembodied, made tragic or acted out as a comedy. This, too, was no longer pleasing or upsetting. The only thing she wanted to understand was where the door was, where this is an entrance into a transitional state, where she can already begin to live in a new place. During this incarnation, Lanoliya well mastered how to always be aware of who she is... When the physical body slept, she observed how a change of states occurred and how layer by layer, the conscious penetrated into the unconscious. Amazing! She learns more and more of what people call fantasy or nonsense. Well, of course, she has no one to argue with; the girl has not proven anything to anyone for a long time. Moreover, she understood the responsibility of transferring knowledge to those who truly follow their Path. Lately, her Higher Teachers have brought to her those who are pure in heart and thirsty to drink their nature. Those who are both “ours” and “yours” remain less and less in her circle. Lanolia remembered Home from childhood and really missed her Cosmic Parents . And the older she became, the weaker the connection was and the density of the world of physics thickened. Quite recently, she managed to restore contact with her star family. And of course, this is a gift for a desperate girl, whose earthly loved ones were increasingly turning their fingers to her temple. All her relatives in this life amazingly played out the events that she came to study. The situations seemed so plausible that Lanolia believed in the reality of what was happening for several human years, until the Messenger touched her hand and gently hinted “it’s time to wake up...." The shackles melted and the scenery changed... - wow - that’s all I could say girl..."that's what got me hooked" (slang expression of the modern world) - enough baby, I've played enough, slept... Remember, last time you also got involved in the play. Still, our “actors” are good, huh..))))... Laughter echoed throughout the entire area, and in the nature of people, lightning and thunderous warnings were heard. The clouds were thickening, then the sun was peeking out. “You pulled me back again,” Lanoliya laughed, “And you wanted to suffer here for another half a century))))))) - Half a century....)))), you speak as if you measure time)))) - I speak to you in your language, to which you are accustomed. Notice, you are still holding your image, let go already... The girl looked at herself. - It turned out not bad this time... beautiful.. although sad... - Sad?))) ahahahahahaha, we applauded
