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How to cope with serious depression without the help of psychiatrists/psychotherapists/psychologists? Hello! I would like to note that the fact that you monitor your psychological state and worry about It is very important and is the key to solving the difficulties that arise in the life of every person. Your question is more relevant than ever: now the word depression is very common and different people put different states into this concept. Moreover, depression itself can be very different, for example: endogenous and exogenous. With endogenous depression, the main cause is considered to be internal metabolic disorders in the brain. When exogenous, this disorder occurs due to external reasons: physiological (use of psychoactive substances) or psychological (loss of a loved one, difficult life situation, etc.). In cases where we are talking about the chemistry of our brain, depression is treated with special drugs - antidepressants. In order to select the appropriate treatment in each specific case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who would further accompany the treatment and adjust the dosage of the prescribed drug. In parallel with this, most often a person works with a psychotherapist to deal with the psychological reasons that influenced his condition. You can cope with depression and bad mood yourself using various ways: getting better sleep, eating a balanced diet, avoiding the use of psychoactive substances, treating somatic diseases, providing give yourself adequate physical activity. Communication with friends, movies, music, books also helps. Each person can make a list of what helps him personally get through difficult times, supports him, and instills faith and hope. However, often people suffering from depression do not have the strength and energy to do these things. When you can’t get out of bed in the morning, the advice to “play sports” and “eat right” sounds like a joke. In such cases, contacting a specialist and properly selected treatment can become a necessary resource in order to gain the strength to fight this illness on your own. We also think that it would be important to understand why you do not want to seek help from a specialist if you feel unwell ? When you suspect you have depression, another mental disorder or pronounced psychological difficulties, the first step you can take to solve the problem is to contact a competent specialist. If you find it difficult to see a psychiatrist right away, you can come to a consultation with a psychotherapist to talk to him about your fears, and also so that he can carry out an initial diagnosis and determine whether you need support in the form of medications. You can also send us your contacts so that we can contact you, or write to our group messages, then we can recommend you specific specialists (psychotherapists, psychiatrists). If you still have or have any new questions, you can ask them anonymously or discuss them in person. Sincerely, Evolutionary Support.
