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A WINTER'S TALE Author -© Bondarovich A. A Winter has finally come. White fluffy snow fell and the air was filled with a frosty aroma. When you go outside, you can “creak”, counting each step, which, like an imprint, remains clear and even. You can, like in childhood, make a snow woman or play snowballs. I love winter. This time of year is the purest and most innocent, like a bride in a wedding dress. Everything in it is untouched and so beautiful that you want to preserve this beauty for as long as possible. It hurts to look at the trees; at this time of year they are so naked and shapeless that, looking at the birch tree under the window, it’s hard to believe that this is exactly the same tree; In summer she has a different look. Its beauty surpasses all the trees that grow next to it. In winter, the birch tree looks like all the others. But still, nature is always beautiful! And it’s not worth saying that some time of the year is better. Often we love summer, spring, winter or autumn not because nature is more beautiful, but for the reason that when we compare summer with something, we understand that this time causes we have more emotions, impressions, positive feelings. Winter, because we can’t forget and don’t want to, the scent of a Christmas tree in childhood and tangerine, the New Year’s, holiday bustle and gifts from Santa Claus. Life does not stand still, it flows like a river, changing the even stripe to white, summer to autumn, and winter to spring. My mini-essays!!! Man simply lives. Every day we fuss, hurry, create... Life does not stand still. Time passes, and so do we. Sometimes you really want to turn back time so that fix something, redo something in our past, or often rush into the future to eagerly find out what is in store for us?!!! What is our life? Why do we live? We don’t know?! In fact, life is a treasure , since she is the beginning of another life that a woman gives to her baby... If it were not for life, then darkness would arise around... But this should not happen...!!! Old times... This is just a shadow of yesterday .You shouldn’t regret what you didn’t have time to do. You need to think about what you can actually do today, not tomorrow...
