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So, let’s continue the topic of finance, and specifically, MAC-technique-solo “Me and Money”. See the beginning: https://www.b17.ru/article/403337/There is the main thing about the Random Number Generator (RNG) - our “computer” unconscious or how to pull an electronic card “closed”. And so, before you get thirsty Money, we ask ourselves two questions: 1) what bad things will come into my life when my income increases? 2) what good things will I lose in my life when my income increases? And through the RNG (by setting the range 001-376) we select these images: "bad" and "good". We tuned in to the question, calmed our thoughts, feelings, and body, inhaled and exhaled, spun it, and wrote down the numbers... If you have your own “Faces” deck, don’t bother reading the three bottom paragraphs. But if you use mine, be sure to understand two simple but important rules. I always write in the Arrangement assignment: Important! When unpacking the RKKA-400 archive, you should retain the file names LIKE ME: child_000 (73 images), female_000 (159 images), husband_000 (144 images). Total - 376 cards: 73+159+144=376 Check, since your phone (computer, laptop), when unpacking the sent archive “RKKA-400.zip”, can create for you YOUR OWN numbering, different from mine (you just need to check the appropriate box there). And so (we’ll look at my “live” example now), the RNG gave me: 1) “089”; 2) "279". Which card corresponds to these numbers in the Red Army-400 deck? If the number from 001 to 073 is the image of a child (or unborn) - cards: “child_001” - “child_073”; For example: the number “5” - card “child_5” If the number from 074 to 232 is the image of a woman - cards “woman_001” "-"wives_159"; I have "089", then 89 - 73 (subtract all the "children" cards) = 16 - card "wives_016" If the number from 233 to 376 is the image of a man - cards "husband_001" - "husband_114" I have “279”, then 279 – 232 (subtract all the cards of “children” (73) and “women” (159) 73+159=232) = 16 – card “husband_047”. That’s it, select the cards and see what I am facing a “financial” issue. What exactly do these images mean to me? What bad things will come into my life when my income increases? Dear sunny girl... What could it be? And just for me? As it stands, this is the last spring of school, 16 years old, no longer a child, but still no need to “go into the big life”, only dreams of a bright, interesting and safe future, the same dreamer friends, girls classmates... You can buy a ruble together to the cinema, eat ice cream, drink a glass of milkshake. And you don’t have to earn this ruble yet. And then: the barracks, ships, the Far East, Prohibition, Perestroika, the collapse of the old predictable world and the wolf laws of capitalism. And as a memory, as a sadness about the departed - this sweet sunny girl. Serious money will require a serious attitude towards it. There is no time for youthful carelessness “for a ruble”... What good will I lose in my life when my income increases? What loss can this simple man, asking something, represent for me, who has become rich? He seems to be a typical “muladharist”, not burdened with questions about the secrets of the universe. Maybe he is a Tajik janitor; maybe a road worker; maybe - a vegetable seller straight from the trunk of a rusty Lada... He lived today, earned a little, ate and that’s it - he’s happy. Tomorrow is a new day, which itself will show what will happen next. No plans, doubts, investments, internal dialogues. He is simple, his World is simple and everything in this World is simple for him. Yes, with the growth of income, I will no longer have such muladhara simplicity. This is a new, more responsible level... Something like this... Now spin, choose and see what the cards tell you?
