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There are several important points that need to be taken into account and known in order to understand why it is important for a psychologist to address the client’s feelings: 1. It is very important for the client to be able to recognize his feelings and emotions. Emotions reflect our perception of reality. And the more the reality coincides with the client’s idea of ​​it, the more adaptive his behavior will be.2. Also, very often clients confuse emotions and thoughts, as well as emotions and their physical manifestation. It is very important to teach the client to separate and distinguish all this.3. It is important for the client to understand that emotions prompt action and decision-making. The client’s feelings show how and why he does something or, on the contrary, does not do something. An emotion in the brain arises before a person realizes it, accordingly, we cannot control (consciously change) emotions, but we can change our choices and actions under the influence of our emotions, we can choose how to act. That is, the client’s actions are influenced by his feelings. Feelings lead to actions and actions change lives.4. Feelings and emotions are a marker-indicator of the client’s needs. The psychologist, having clarified what feeling the client is experiencing, then identifies the object to whom this feeling is addressed, and only then the need for the identified object is clarified. By detecting emotions, the psychologist understands what a person really wants. Because people experience different emotions due to their needs.5. It is also important for the client to be able to recognize his feelings and emotions in order to understand what he likes and dislikes in this life, which people he feels more comfortable around and vice versa, whether he is satisfied with his job, how he feels in which -relationships, that is, emotions and feelings are like indicators, signaling what is good for a person and what is bad. And here, too, do not forget that each person has his own “good” and his own “bad”. And that emotion allows a person to evaluate what is happening around him and inside him - such a judgment can sometimes lead to problems, because we do not forget that emotions are not a reflection of actual reality, but a reflection of our perception of this reality. Man has an evolutionary advantage - intelligence, which allows him to give a more accurate assessment of what is happening.6. It is very important for a psychologist to address the client’s feelings, especially in the moment “here and now” and if, on top of everything, these feelings and emotions are directed towards the psychologist himself - this helps the specialist to expose and recognize the client’s projections, because this is how the client behaves in everyday life and plays out such scenarios with other people in his environment. And it is very important for the psychologist to use this opportunity to demonstrate to the client and show him how he projects his emotions and feelings onto others, how he does not even notice it in himself, that for example, the anger that the client feels towards the psychologist can be turned in such a way that allegedly the specialist is angry with the client - this is one of the projections.7. Feelings show what and how the client experiences, in what situations and why. 8. It is important for a psychologist to address the client’s feelings in order to understand to what extent the client can freely express emotions or, on the contrary, he restrains and suppresses them. If the client constantly suppresses these feelings and emotions, then it is very important for the psychologist to help the client and teach him to express and release these emotions, so that the client’s tension goes away and energy is released. After all, the client spends a lot of energy on containing these feelings, and he could direct this energy in a more useful direction in his life. It is also important for the psychologist to teach the client to withstand and experience emotions and feelings, to convey to the client that experiencing different emotions and feelings at different periods of one’s life is absolutely normal. I am glad to share with you my conclusions about why a psychologist should address the client’s feelings, I wish you a pleasant reading and hope.
