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From the author: The topic of the publication is not new, however, the number of families complaining about the child’s inattention is not decreasing. In these complaints one can hear powerlessness and a lack of understanding of what is happening to the child and why neither persuasion nor threats help. "Well, why is he so inattentive?" “Is it really so difficult to just read it carefully?” “It’s some kind of nightmare, the child loses everything, you always need to remind him of everything?” “He (she) is just making fun of me, I repeat everything 5 times” According to statistics, 90% of requests parents (on issues of the child’s mental development or school problems) are associated with the child’s attention characteristics. Restlessness, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, hyperactivity, inattention, irritability and haste, these are examples of manifestations of insufficiency or disturbance of attention that can be observed in children. All these manifestations adversely affect the child’s development, behavior, self-esteem, and sometimes well-being. What is attention? What is its role in the development of a child? Attention is one of the mental processes that occupies a special position. All mental processes include attention as a necessary moment. Simply put, without attention, neither perception, nor memorization, nor processing of information entering the brain is possible. ATTENTION (English attention) is the process and state of tuning a subject to perceive priority information and fulfillment of assigned tasks. Theoretically and operationally, V. (tuning) is characterized by level (intensity, concentration), volume (breadth, distribution), selectivity (see Selectivity of perception, Stroop effect, Selection of information), speed of switching (movement), duration and stability. (https: //www.b17.ru/dic/vnimanie/) Thus, attention is a necessary process, the development of which has a beneficial effect on all mental processes. Developed attention is undoubtedly the basis for successful cognitive and educational activity. The characteristics of a child’s attention also influence the development of his social skills, creating the prerequisites for the development of an emerging personality. Attention is the process of consciously or unconsciously selecting one information coming through the senses and ignoring another. While developing, the child perceives a huge amount of information, consciously or unconsciously turning attention to something. In order to develop harmoniously and fully, the child simply needs his attention to be normal. Otherwise, the child simply cannot fully study some phenomenon or object, capture the necessary, useful experience and apply it in life. Subsequently, it is difficult for him to keep up with the pace of the educational process, which affects the assimilation of knowledge, the child’s success, as well as the interest and desire to learn. The following properties of attention are distinguished: volume, concentration, selectivity, stability, switchability, arbitrariness and distribution. Violation of each of them can lead to deviations in the child’s activities and behavior. (http://sundekor.ru/referat/dlya-studenta/vospitanie-vnimaniia/) What is observed in children with deficiencies or attention disorders? Manifestations of decreased attention1 ) it is difficult for a child to maintain attention, it is difficult to complete a task; 2) concentration and focus are reduced when completing a task; 3) it is difficult to concentrate on any activity or subject; 4) it is difficult to remember the necessary information; such children can repeat instructions many times, but in as a result, they may forget them; 4) such children are easily excitable, any little thing can distract them. It is difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time. Also, they can rarely get carried away by one activity for a long time. They quickly become bored and uninterested. 5) independence and self-control are reduced. In unusual situations, it is even more difficult for children with reduced attention; they easily lose control of themselves. It is difficult for them to complete a previously unfamiliar task or request. Such children are characterized by impulsiveness. Manifestations).
