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Differences between women and men attract them to each other, but these same differences can also repel them. How often, due to temper, ignorance and misunderstanding, families are destroyed and wonderful business and friendly relationships are spoiled. Below are some reasons that do not allow us to “communicate in the same language”: - Biochemistry Based on data from biochemical studies of women's and men's materials, it can be argued that they have different chemical compositions. Moreover, we are talking not only about quantitative, but also qualitative differences. - Purpose Initially, men were perceived as nomadic breadwinners, and women were assigned the role of continuer of the clan, its guardian. Centuries have passed - and stereotypical thinking still affects gender relations. - Education A significant role in the life of every person is played by his upbringing. How masculine or feminine you are is largely determined by your parental attitudes. Fortunately, if they are not entirely correct, they can be easily eliminated with the help of a specialist or through self-analysis and further therapeutic exercises. - Brain activity Scientists have long proven that the vast majority of men use more resources of the left hemisphere of the brain, women - the right. Therefore, the former are more often perceived as abstract thinkers and prone to spatial imagination and action, while the latter are more likely to successfully perform precise tasks. General recommendations for improving communication with women: It is very important for a woman to speak out periodically. Sometimes it is necessary to give her this opportunity. Often the true meaning of what is said (or its essence) is hidden “between the lines” or at the very end of the speech. Women are very attentive to details. Neglect of the rules of etiquette due to simple absent-mindedness can be perceived as personal disrespect or even an insult. Thanks to a high level of empathy, any negative attacks towards third parties can be taken back to oneself. Manifestation of disrespectful and/or dismissive attitude towards the female sex in general is regarded as disrespect and/or disregard for your interlocutor specifically. Excessive admiration for a particular woman in a conversation is often equated to your deliberate belittling of the merits of your interlocutor. It is worth noting that each person is unique and unrepeatable, so the above recommendations may not be useful in any particular case. It is possible to understand your specific problem and improve your communication only after an individual consultation..
