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Dependence is considered to be behavior that is called forced. This is a very great need for some external object, thanks to the presence of which a person returns to a stable emotional state. Many people do not understand that they are dependent. They do what they think they should do, and it doesn’t occur to them that they shouldn’t: household chores, taking care of their husband. A dependent person is captivated by repetitive actions and often experiences a feeling of anxiety. The relationship of a dependent person with the object of dependence has the following stages: 1). Merger - the dependent person is happy and has no anxiety2). The appearance of discomfort and the desire to get rid of it 3). Peak tension - the addict really wants to merge with the object of dependence (repeated actions) 4). Merge again with the dependency object5). The disorder that has again merged with the object of dependence. Most of all, a dependent person is afraid of losing the relationship with the object of dependence. Even if this is a very painful relationship for him. In order not to lose the relationship with the object of addiction, the addict is ready to do a lot: to fulfill any wishes of the partner. An addicted person can also be very afraid of becoming attached to a person, and therefore he breaks off relations with him, as soon as tender feelings appear. Without an object of envy, a dependent person discovers some deficiencies within himself. And he begins to fear losing the object of his addiction. This kind of anxiety is called separation anxiety. And internal deficiency is felt from a lack of self-support and confidence in one’s own worth and goodness. Both the addict and the object of addiction experience severe anxiety when some kind of threat to the relationship appears. They both play their roles and suffer from this, but at the same time they hold on to them with all their might. The need for a relationship may be obvious to both partners, or maybe only to one. If boredom is obvious to both, then their relationship is more harmonious, because everyone cares that they stay together.
