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Talking about feelings is most important when you are in a personal (friendship, love, child-parent) relationship. When people care about each other. How can you say what you don’t like, what irritates you, without accusation and with dignity? There is a small algorithm: 1. An objective description of the situation, as a video camera could capture without use (“Things are lying on the chair”; “We haven’t gone anywhere together for a week”) 2. I (speak on my own behalf, about myself)3. List the feelings (I feel irritated, angry, sad...) 4. What I would like (I would like “order in the house” or “spend time together”) 5. It was important for me to tell you about this, to share my feelings. important: Sharing feelings not with the goal of getting an answer from the interlocutor, but with the goal of informing him about what you like and what you don’t. Blaming a partner does not contribute to mutual understanding and the emergence of warm feelings; it is better not to use the pronouns “You”, “Your”... Also, insults have a negative impact on relationships. Therefore, before you start speaking, if emotions take over, you need to take a few deep breaths, step back, stop and think about what exactly is bothering you. Remember the algorithm, even if there is an impulse to call your partner offensive words or accuse him of not doing the right thing/honestly, stop. Since personal relationships are largely built on feelings, informing about feelings helps communication partners understand each other better. This algorithm allows you to express feelings without reproaching your partner, saying specifically what exactly does not suit you and even in the position “I would like to.” ..”, share options for changing the situation But, regularly ignoring your partner’s feelings can lead to dissatisfaction with the relationship and, subsequently, to the end of the relationship. If you have agreed and discussed certain conditions, then it is important to be able to make demands https://www.b17.ru/article/325194/?prt=481168. However, the expression of feelings is still primary in close relationships, since people are connected precisely by feelings, to a greater extent than by agreements. Warm personal relationships and pleasant feelings! Based on the seminar by Vladimir Romek “Fundamentals of Behavioral Therapy” within the framework of the training program “Basic Course of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” therapy».
