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Speaking a text to yourself (articulation) is one of the reasons for slow reading. Indeed, in this case, reading speed is limited by speech. Quick reading is done with the eyes, silently. You read and immediately understand the meaning. Probably nothing raises as many questions when studying speed reading as articulation suppression. In the classic textbook on speed reading, “Learn to Read Fast,” it is proposed to shorten pronunciation by tapping a rhythm with your hand: When you tap a special rhythm with your hand, an inhibition zone appears in the cerebral cortex, which makes it impossible to pronounce the words you are reading... As scientists have established, the movements of the fingers during human development turned out to be closely related to speech. It is necessary to read for at least 20 hours with tapping to feel the result. You will find a description of the exercise in the book “Learn to Read Fast.” The exercise with tapping a rhythm did not work for me. In my experience, the articulation problem goes much deeper. And speaking can be turned off in another way. You need to look at the root. Let’s ask ourselves the question: “Why do we actually recite the text?” Because that's how we were taught. In first grade we were told: read syllable by syllable, read aloud. We took reading speed tests at school by reading aloud. They also stopped us while reading if a word was pronounced incorrectly. Imagine how many instructions we received for pronunciation. The inner child remembers everything. For him, the words of teachers and parents are direct commands to action. If they told you to read it out loud, he will read it. It doesn't matter if you were in first grade decades ago, time doesn't exist for the child inside you. Children are ready to learn to read at different ages, which are different for everyone. Nowadays the “freedom in education” movement is gaining momentum in the world. According to his principles, when a child is ready, he begins to read on his own without outside help. After all, children are not alike; they begin to sit, walk, and talk at different times. But the school system fits children into one mold - by the end of first grade, everyone should be able to read. But what if the child is not ready? Nothing. He will be labeled as a C student, lazy, and incapable of reading. It is in such an unfriendly atmosphere that reading skills are formed. It is not surprising that after school few people want to read at all. In addition, the school sets a limit for reading speed - this is the limit for speech speed. An attitude penetrates into the subconscious that it is impossible to read faster than you can speak. And at the same time, the voice acting of the text is also assessed. Do you have any more questions about why we pronounce it? Search your memory for everything related to reading aloud. Please note that if there were traumatic experiences, they will be difficult to remember. That's why they are traumatic. The technique of remembering is called "recapitulation." If you want to study this topic in detail, read the book “The Toltec Way. Recapitulation” or books by Carlos Castaneda. Just one ordinary phrase heard in childhood can limit your reading. For example, you were told: you can’t read at all, you can barely form letters, you read slowly, speak more clearly, read syllable by syllable, read louder, that you mutter under your breath... For some, it’s enough just to remember childhood moments associated with reading , and realize them. And others need to replace these memories with new ones. That is, instead of real memories, create those that you would like to have for yourself in that situation. It's like remaking a movie. You can use NLP techniques. They can be found in any book on NLP. But that's not all. Articulation is related to our brain's habit of constantly talking to itself. If you learn to turn off your thoughts, then there will be silence when reading. Practice counting to yourself from 1 to 100 so that not a single thought interferes with you. It will be difficult, thoughts will intrude and distract you. But practice will give results. And here is another exercise from Carlos Castaneda’s book “Tales of Power”, which will not only help stop thoughts,.
