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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia.” If we work on such a sexual female problem as vaginismus, we will constantly go to those situations that preceded vaginismus . And without removing all the blocks, obstacles and fears, the problem of vaginismus is unlikely to be solved completely. Today I want to talk to you about such a fairly common companion of vaginismus as the fear of rape. I’ll start with the fact that a client came to me with a rather long-standing problem of hers. vaginismus. The girl from Moscow was 29 years old, and her first attempts to have sex began at 18. Can you imagine how old this problem of vaginismus is. Moreover, the girl even managed to be married, but as such she never had full sexual intercourse. But now we will not talk about this, since I, working with women on sexual female problems on the topic of vaginismus, and having quite a lot of practice in this area, will note that the problem is always quite multifaceted, and everything that I have told you is only a small part what family psychologists, psychotherapists and sexologists have to work with before the problem of vaginismus is finally eliminated. So, the fear of rape. I note that, fortunately, nothing like this happened to the girl, and she could not understand what was hidden behind this fear. And, as a psychologist-sexologist, it took me some time to get to the truth. We came out at just the right age, when the client decided to have sex for the first time, which did not result in anything. But before that, there was a story that caused the girl a persistent aversion to sex, and formed the basis of her female sexual problem, and vaginismus, in particular. At that time, she was looking for a job, and a potential employer called her, expressing a desire to take a look at her to finally decide whether she would suit him. It was summer, warm, a lot of greenery, and he made an appointment for her in the park, telling her to dress appropriately so that her legs were visible, since she was supposed to be in some way the “face of the company,” and he would like to see her in all her glory. The girl did not have any difficulties with this. And so they met in the park, where it was quite crowded, they groomed, talked, and somehow unexpectedly found themselves in a secluded corner. The man suddenly began to kiss the girl’s feet, then took out his penis and began to masturbate, as a result, all the sperm got on her tights, and then he suddenly stood up and quickly left without saying anything. The client was left in complete shock from what happened. Now we have removed this stupor from her, this disgusting state from the man himself and his actions. We filled the girl with awareness, the understanding that she is now an adult and mature, and will no longer agree to any such provocations. Then we had to work additionally with her self-esteem and self-confidence, already in terms of femininity and sexuality. This is a classic work on a similar problem by family psychologists, sexologists and psychotherapists. The client said that she felt much better. In addition, we made her grow up psychologically, and removed this stuckness at the age of 18. The girl should have moved on in life and started living a full sex life, the one that women who do not have similar problems live. But this was only a small fragment of our work. And we still have sexual psychotherapy ahead for the final elimination of her female.
