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From the author: Source: specially for www.sbs.su Author: Tarakanova-Yumina E. E. Searching for the job of my dreams Well, it’s time to decide on a future job... What do we want? Write down 5– 6 parameters by which you want to choose the most suitable company. I will give a few: - Reputation of the company - Prestige - Scope of activity - Salary - Position - Functionality You can write your own. We determine what is important for you... Now, based on the compiled parameters, we begin to act. I will give an example based on my focus. It is important for me to find a job as a “HR manager” First: I need a company with at least 300 people, otherwise there is no point in having a personnel service. Sphere: production, retail since they most often recruit personnel 365 days a year. Responsibilities: search, selection of personnel, adaptation, training. Salary taking into account market monitoring, that is, comparison of vacancies with my experience work, education, knowledge and skills, I can claim 40,000–50,000 rubles per month, the payment system is salary. The location of the company is of great importance for me, since I live in the Moscow region, so I will also take this into account. I think this exercise should not cause you any difficulties. Who else, besides you, knows what is important!!! So, let’s move on to searching for sites where you can find this very job. Everything is simple; any “search engine” will show you more than 50 sites, but from experience I can say that if you ask for a rating, it will turn out no more than 5, but in fact at the moment we have two leaders: www.superjob.ru and www.hh.ru. These are paid sites for employers, i.e. they must at least find from 3 to 5 thousand rubles to post at least one vacancy. There are www.rabota.ru, www.zarplata.ru, www.job.ru, www.joblist.ru, but despite the fact that these sites are also paid, they are absolutely useless for searching jobs, so the information is scattered around the applicants in a stupid way. Perhaps there will be those who will tell me that I’m wrong, but excuse me, this is not the first time I’m looking for a job - this is the first time, I posted my resume more than once and saw where really interesting offers came from employers - that's two. When I needed specialists, I used from six to seven sites for posting vacancies and reasonable responses from applicants came from these sites - that’s three. Fact! In principle, everyone has every right to create a “banner” of their resume on all possible sites , it's your right, it's only a matter of time you spend! I also forgot to mention the site WWW.JOB-MO.RU - this is a “magic wand” for finding a job in the Moscow region, first of all place your resume on this site, and then decide where for yourself. Let’s return to the job search: Having found several vacancies that They look like me (no matter what sites) I have to send them a resume, but we don’t have a resume yet. This means that we must create it first! Praise yourself! I will again be a “living example”: I am 30 years old. Higher education. I have more than 5 years of experience in human resources management. I know and am proficient in interviewing techniques: aggressive interviewing method aimed at determining the candidate’s level of stress resistance; method of open questions; I can conduct testing using various methods: MMPI, Myers-Briggs test, etc. I am a confident PC user, I work fluently in programs: Word, Excel, 1C, Internet Knowledge of English: I read, translate, I can express myself concisely Personal qualities: sociability, organization, responsibility, creativity, learning ability. Professional qualities: I can make decisions quickly and efficiently, work with a large amount of information, manage a team of five people. Well, sort of I wouldn’t deprive myself. It’s important to remember that there are certain criteria by which employers will pay attention to you: Accountant: knowledge of 1C: Accounting (versions 7.7., 8.0., 8.1.) and the more you can write about your skills in this program, the better; Lawyer: what area in which you can represent the interests of the company (contracts, claims!
