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Not so long ago, a person came to me again for physical therapy. And one of the changes that he noticed in himself after the first meeting was a decrease in facial asymmetry. He said that it seems that the face has become less asymmetrical. I explained to him what this was connected with, but that’s not the topic. I had previously dabbled with photographs, in particular with my own. And today I decided to try it on other people, and I recommend you, my reader, to do the same with your photographs, you’ll see, you’ll learn something new about yourself. So, after thinking a little, for some reason Angelina Jolie came up, and I think, let I'll make fun of her. And then I thought about it and thought, after all, the actress, and so on, is famous, and personal facial expressions have probably been studied, everything should probably be in order there. But nevertheless, I looked for photos on the Internet, chose this one - and the face is still visible, and the turn of the face is not so strong. I don’t know when it was made, it doesn’t matter. We take the left side of the face separately, and the right side separately, connect it with a simple picture editor, and we get two different people: and the second: If you look closely at the “left” and “right” faces, you can feel certain emotions, characterize the first and second face. This is facial asymmetry, or rather what the right and left hemispheres carry within themselves, so to speak - a dominant state. I’ll leave it to you, my reader, to figure it out for yourself and give an interpretation of the left and right faces of Angelina Jolie... I thought, what about women, let me insert a guy. I thought and thought and decided to insert Urgant. But that wasn’t the case - now he would tilt his head, now his smile was one-sided. As a result, I couldn’t find the photo. And it hit me! Medvedev! We can tease him a little. It’s Putin who can’t be touched, but Medvedev can be touched a little. I wonder what Medvedev is hiding behind his hemispheres? Which sides are fighting in his head? Then let's go. The photos are professional, just right for me. We take the first one we come across: I even raised my finger. It seems like an ordinary photo, and like a random finger, but... BUT! Let's look at Medvedev's left and right faces: This is probably Mr. Medvedev's most secret room, and here is the second face: Well, it's just Schwarzenegger, and he raised his finger on the right side! So much for the coincidences. Well, don’t you want to conduct such an experiment on your photograph? Try it - at least 2 of your secret sides of yourself will be revealed to you. Good luck. Evgeniy Koshevarovvk.com/tot2012
