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From the author: The article was published in the women's Internet publication Tata.ru: “Summer is a little life,” sings the famous bard Oleg Mityaev. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say: “Vacation is a small life,” and also a good test of the quality of relationships. Olga Gordeeva talks about this topical problem, on the eve of the opening of the holiday season. Olga, Tata.ru expert, author and presenter of the travel-training “Change of Course”. Preparing for vacation You meet, walk, go to cafes and restaurants, to the cinema and to concerts. Friends see you as an established couple, the two of you feel good together. And so you decide to take your first vacation together. Now you need to plan your little life together. This is much more significant than a weekend “spent with him.” During preparation for your vacation, your desires will be expressed much more clearly. If he was ready to go to a melodrama with you, although he doesn’t like them at all, then he may no longer agree to sacrifice an entire vacation. In turn, perhaps you will go to a bar with him to a football match, but you do not intend to climb mountains instead of the beach. So, preparing for your vacation will show you how consistent your interests are and how you behave if they contradict each other: you give in, suppress each other, or find a common solution. Your attitude towards money also appears. Is your boyfriend willing to pay for everything, or does he want to split the costs? You will have to discuss these issues because it is no longer just a cafe bill. How you discuss money matters will be a test of your couple's future financial viability. Preparing for the holidays will show who is responsible for what in your couple. If you previously did not pay attention to the fact that you always proposed plans for spending time together, then suddenly you will notice with displeasure that everything “hangs” on you: you choose a tour, apply for a visa, purchase plane tickets, make the necessary purchases, right down to his swimming goggles. By the way, it is for these reasons that it is not recommended to go on a joint vacation with a man if your relationship has just begun: you are not yet ready to openly discuss practical issues and joint plans. The spell of your crush on the fifth date may be broken after broaching the topic of who pays for a VIP jeep trip in Morocco. At the same time, if your relationship has already become serious, preparing for a trip together will show you what to expect from the relationship. This little life So, you're on vacation. Now you are together all the time and you have nothing else to do. Ask yourself: how comfortable are you with this person? Can you truly relax next to him? If you can hide your feelings during short dates, then it is impossible to do this 24 hours a day. You may encounter irritation and anger that sometimes arise between partners, and you will have to overcome them. You can completely relax or, on the contrary, feel that you are tense all the time next to him. In addition, now you are taken out of your usual environment, you are not pressured by lack of time and stereotypes. And you will notice that your partner really respects you and strives to be close to you. And the fact that in everyday life he spends less time with you is a consequence of his heavy workload at work (maybe to arrange this trip for you?). Thus, vacation becomes a kind of litmus test that shows the features of your relationship, usually hidden behind the usual bustle. After a vacation What if you went on vacation together and you had doubts about whether this is the right person for you? Do not rush to draw clear conclusions. A vacation could reveal potential difficulties in your relationship, as well as resources. In any case, this is not a sentence. If you noticed with displeasure that you did everything only the way he wanted, this does not mean that it cannot be otherwise. But the vacation exposed this problem before you started a joint family. Your relationship has not gone so far, and it will be easier for you to change something. After all,.
