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From the author: Raising children, Conscious parenting It is impossible to overestimate the influence of the family on the development of the child’s personality. Because what the child’s personality will become depends on the main characters in the family - mom and dad. Rousseau pointed out that the first educators-parents lay the foundation, provide the basis for the development of the child’s personality, and the degree of influence of each subsequent educator is much lower: each subsequent may have even less influence on the education process than the previous one. And we, the parents, are always the first, the family is always the first! As you know, we all have basic needs for growth and development, namely the need for love, acceptance and security. And how his family satisfies all these three basic needs in the process of raising a child, believe me, will have a huge impact on his growth and development. At birth, only parents can and should satisfy the child’s need for safety. Thanks to the satisfaction of this need, the child will grow up calm, confident, able to overcome and cope with various kinds of stress and difficulties. It is thanks to the satisfaction of this need that the child will be able to actively build various relationships with the people around him and the world, actively show interest in it, study and explore it. Satisfying this need has a positive effect on the formation of such a personal quality as trust. However, only parents can satisfy the need for love and acceptance, and this should be done as soon as the parents find out that they will soon have a baby. Hurry, dear parents, but remember that in everything you need moderation and rationality, because a deficiency is just as harmful as an excess. So, if a child does not receive enough of your love, then you and the people around you will meet in the future with an unfriendly, suspicious, envious, conflictual, embittered, callous, impudent, quarrelsome, or quite possibly with a closed, shy person who does not believe in himself and his capabilities. It’s not easy for them to live, but it’s not sweet either. But if you go too far with acceptance and love, you can grow a completely different “thistle”: a selfish, cold consumer, a vain, arrogant glutton, a spoiled and pampered quitter and a hypocrite. Family upbringing also has a huge impact on the development of communication and behavior patterns. It's simple, children are like little monkeys, they absorb and copy everything. And who is always nearby - parents. And where the child spends the most time - in the family. Therefore, the way parents behave with other people, how they communicate with them - all this immediately becomes the property of your children. Yes, they are not yet able to comprehend and think critically about what they have adopted and copied, but they are able to consolidate what they have learned from us and develop creatively, both bad and good. It is the family that plays a huge role in what life experience they will comprehend a child at the very beginning of his journey through life. The stock of children's knowledge and skills depends both on the education of the parents and on the desire of the parents to share their accumulated experience and knowledge with the child (conversations), as well as on the desire of the parents: - to create a knowledge base for children (family library), - to teach the child to use public library, the Internet, - visit museums, theaters, exhibitions with the child, - arrange field trips, arrange excursions to interesting and historical places of the region, region, city, country. - teach the child what the parent can do himself (sewing, planing , photograph, draw, sculpt, embroider, craft, repair, etc.) do it yourself. All this forms certain skills in the child, at the same time forming a positive life experience for him from the first days of his life. And not only! All this is the basis for further development, this is the intellectual capital that we invest in the child, and which he will subsequently be able to develop and multiply. It is the family that can shape the child as a committed, disciplined, responsible person.=31613
