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I am very charming and attractive (c). Affirmations are positive statements in the form of short phrases. It is recommended to pronounce it in the first person, in a positive way, in an affirmative form. The creator of affirmations is considered to be the 19th century French psychologist Emile Coue. He began his career as a pharmacist, writing positive short annotations for medications. While collecting reviews of the pills sold, I noticed the effectiveness of the drugs to which these instructions were attached. The placebo effect in today's realities. Later, the pharmacist retrained as a psychologist and promoted the theory of “optimistic suggestion” to the masses. World-famous Lise Burbo and Louise Hay took up the banner of the method of positive beliefs and widely disseminated it to the masses. Louise Hay’s 11 affirmations, “able to heal your life,” are the basis for her books, the organization of mass meetings with adherents and multiple television interviews, the creation of an Internet radio station, a publishing house and countless webinars. The enormous interest of Louise’s followers in affirmations forced psychologists to begin experiments on people😊. Since 2005, many different kinds of tests and measurements have been carried out on the results of the systematic use of affirmations in the daily lives of patients. They found that improvements were observed in the restoration of self-esteem, partial improvement in cognitive abilities, mitigation of the effects of chronic stress, reduction in depressive symptoms, and negative thinking. But, as it turned out, only in complex psychotherapy, and not as an independent tool. Can affirmations be harmful? The less expectations coincide with reality, the more internal tension a person can experience. Men really like me. They are just crazy about me (c). A lonely woman recites with expression. We are glad that the heroine was able to stay in the reality of the world, and did not freeze through life with a happy smile of slight madness on her lips. If Suzanne had adapted the text of the affirmation for her client approximately as follows, based on the plot: “I turn my attention to those men who sympathize with me with whom I have similar interests and values, I notice the signs of attention shown to me. And if in the end I don’t manage to meet my life partner, I have enough strength to bear it.” A change in thinking, supported by minimal actions, systematically repeated, will lead to changes in life. Stand in front of the mirror at point A, read affirmations formulated based on realities , your capabilities and with confident steps you go to reinforce what has been voiced, moving towards your point Q. How are affirmation exercises used in evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy? They are used as self-help techniques in states of anxiety, fear or any super-intense feelings. Super-intense feelings are feelings in which a person loses control over his behavior, for example, euphoria, rage. Affirmations in CBT are behavioral techniques and require a person to have well-developed abilities of self-observation, self-regulation, and self-correction. They are compiled individually by the client with the help of a therapist in accordance with the context of the problem situation, and are worked out in sessions. They are used in life situations. These helping techniques, as well as others necessary for a comfortable state of mind, are successfully mastered by members of the therapeutic group. And if you want to master self-help techniques, contact professionals and be psychologically healthy.
