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I once conducted a survey on my website: “what is more important to you: personal growth or fulfillment in society?” Three answer options were offered, the first two were obvious, and the third was “I can’t imagine one without the other.” I was pleasantly surprised - the majority of visitors to my site chose the 3rd option! However... this topic still serves as a reason for numerous conflicts, primarily internal, of course. For myself, I have long understood that the world is one, it is impossible to achieve success in business while remaining undeveloped personally, and it is also impossible to develop personally and spiritually while remaining unfulfilled in society. Why do I like business and not, say, hired work? Because business allows you to manage your time independently, including devoting more time to your personal development. But this is my choice, of course. I know people for whom office work and career advancement serve as an excellent “trainer” for consolidating and developing their personal skills. The topic of information business interested me quite a long time ago, about five years ago. The fact that training should move to an online format is an obvious and natural phenomenon for me, this is our time, this is how we live. But how to do this without losing quality? Of course, in this field there have appeared many who like to “skim the cream” from a popular topic, to cheat, without caring about the quality and result of what they do. Just as once, about 10 years ago, there were a lot of “advanced gurus” speaking on the topic of shamanism and the teachings of Castaneda, but now this topic has ceased to be fashionable - and thank God, now only those who are really interested in it and who is not lazy to seriously understand this topic. I am sure that the same will happen with the information business. Read in full on my website>> http://www.awareness-way.ru/content/1434-biznes-i-lichnostnyi-rost-dve-veshchi-nesovmestnye
