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In the film based on Volodin’s play of the same name, newlyweds get divorced. With resentment, disappointment, jealousy... In court, before their eyes, divorce procedures take place one after another for the most banal reasons... A glance at someone else's mistake stops the heroes from a rash act: pride and the desire for personal independence give way before the hope of happiness in being together .At different stages of family life, difficult situations may arise when the spouses themselves find it difficult to find the right solution. Many people see the only way out of the crisis in family relationships as divorce. When faced with life's difficulties, we all experience anxiety, loneliness, and hopelessness. And it is so important not to rush to destroy the union, to understand the reasons for disagreements and conflicts, not alone, but together with a specialist, through the life experiences of other people. People come to group psychological classes devastated, having lost love and hope. Miraculously, with the support of other people, they manage to restore the lost balance, find the broken connection with loved ones, with their family. There are many such stories, here is one of them. There lives a young, lonely woman - beautiful, smart, self-confident, successful, with an almost adult daughter. There is a man whom she saw as her husband. He, of course, is not ideal, but he strives to create a new family, strives to love. She longs for happiness, family warmth, another child. But something is not working out in this relationship; thoughts of divorce constantly come to mind. What's happening? How to understand yourself? Having gathered her courage, she comes for a consultation with a family psychologist. Psychological work begins: first individual, then group trainings. Could a woman have imagined that her problem lay so deep in the roots of her family line? How in a 3D picture the fate of the female line of the family was reflected in the recreated situation of her life history! Tears, a new vision of herself, a rethinking of her life scenarios - everything happened as if in one moment, unexpectedly for her. Her mother’s indifference and her father’s betrayal killed the woman in her; her emotionality is what harmonious marital relationships are built on. Having returned the love of her parents to her heart, she will begin a new life with her own happy family.
