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From the author: Bandages, cotton wool, brilliant green... We know very well what to do with bodily wounds. We treat the smaller ones with iodine and forget about them - they will heal on their own. Those that are deeper will be sealed with a plaster or bandaged tightly. If it hurts too much, we'll take a painkiller. And most importantly, we know that the pain will soon pass. And what to do with mental wounds, where fear settles forever.....what if it hurts again.... Bandages, cotton wool, brilliant green... We know very well what to do with bodily wounds. We treat the smaller ones with iodine and forget about them - they will heal on their own. Those that are deeper will be sealed with a plaster or bandaged tightly. If it hurts too much, we'll take a painkiller. And most importantly, we know that the pain will soon pass. But what to do with mental wounds? How can I help them heal? How to numb them? The immediate question is: why “wounds”? We are talking about the soul. Could she really bleed like a wounded body? The answer: “It can.” In all languages ​​of the world, people describe mental suffering with the same words as physical ones: “the soul hurts,” “the heart is bleeding,” “a broken heart,” “a splinter in the heart,” “the heart is pinched.” And this is no coincidence. Doctors have proven that at the level of higher nervous activity, strong emotional experiences cause signals in the brain similar to those caused by physical pain. To put it simply, my brain doesn’t care if I cut myself, got scalded, or found out that my loved one left me. My brain is equally HURTING. A woman is a vulnerable creature. It is a fact. And that's NOT bad. Our natural emotionality makes us more sensitive and responsive than men, more flexible and understanding, more capable of showing care and love. But it also makes us more vulnerable to various shocks. It is more difficult for us to cope with fear, uncertainty, feelings of resentment and guilt. “I was overcome with excitement. Fear came over me. I was overcome with fear. I am tormented by doubts” - this is what we say when we talk about our experiences. Listen (read carefully) how strong these feelings are in us, that they can “attack”, “encompass”, “take possession” of us, “torment”, deprive us of strength. “There are terrorists, charlatans, bandits all around - it’s scary to leave the house!” Is this a familiar phrase? Of course, how can you not worry? Yesterday my neighbor was robbed on the street, her bag was taken away, but at least her head wasn’t torn off. That year there was an accident at a hydroelectric power station, people died. What if our dam breaks? The whole city will be washed away to hell! On TV there is only talk about the sunken ship. What about the environment? They poison you every single day! Not for ourselves, but for our children, we are afraid - what awaits them? This is how they creep up on us - fears. They attack, envelop, possess and torture. And how you want to break free from their tenacious clutches and take a deep breath! What to do? First of all, don’t be afraid to be afraid! Fear is normal. This is a protective mechanism that we borrowed from our ancestors from the animal world. Fear is useful. He protects us from danger, warns us from mistakes. Besides, everyone is afraid.· I am afraid to open up to someone else - what if he rejects me. · I'm afraid of losing loved ones and being left alone. · I am afraid of hurting my neighbor, because I know what it feels like. · I'm afraid of doing something irreparable and suffering from remorse. · I'm afraid of the unknown - suddenly, not joy, but grief awaits me around the corner. · I’m afraid to get to know myself better - what if I don’t like what I find out about myself? Perhaps something from this list resonated in your soul, and about something else you thought: “This is not about me” . We just want to tell you that fear is something that everyone experiences. There are no absolutely fearless people. The truly brave person is not the one who has never been afraid of anything, but the one who has mastered his fear. It’s in your hands and within your power! Let’s check right now how strong and able you are to cope with anxiety! First, let’s remember how we described our experiences: “I was overcome with excitement. Fear came over me. I was overcome with fear. I’m tormented by doubts.” Now try a little!
