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It’s surprising and seemingly inexplicable why some couples live in perfect harmony for decades, while others drag their feet, or even separate immediately or after a few years. In this article, we will explore what an ideal couple is and reveal the 5 elements of a harmonious, long-term relationship. When I say an ideal couple, I do not mean that this couple is 100% happy. The point is that two people are not absolutely happy, but they are happy enough to easily and happily continue to be together for the rest of their lives. Such relationships are like a miracle, but they are the real result of subtle alchemy. Only 5 elements are needed to create an ideal couple: The first element is Earth. The basis of an ideal couple is the coincidence of classes. Everyone knows colorful stories about great, all-conquering love between people of different social strata. Cinderella and the Prince, the Young Lady and the Hooligan, etc. Only after the wedding all these stories suddenly end. Because then psychological mechanisms that have been forged and honed over millennia come into play. In traditional society, marriages always took place within the same class. For example, in pre-revolutionary Russia, a nobleman married a noblewoman, and a peasant married a peasant woman and nothing else. The experience of countless generations of ancestors, encrypted in the unconscious part of the mind, is strictly determined for a person to create a family with a representative of the opposite sex of his own class. In extreme cases, the wife may be one class lower than the husband, but not vice versa. And it doesn’t matter at all that in our time class differences seem to have been abolished. For the unconscious, everything remains valid. Each family belongs to one class or another. Modern society can be roughly divided into four classes from top to bottom: Clergy, scientists, writers, directors, etc.; Military, politicians, officials; Entrepreneurs, farmers; Workers, office workers, farmers. The second element is Air. According to myth analysis, the human unconscious alternately works in one of three modes: “Day” mode – Diurn; “Twilight” mode – Dramatic Nocturne; “Night” mode – Mystical Nocturne. Each person has one mode – the main one, and the other two – auxiliary. The perfect pair is possible only in two combinations of the main modes: “Twilight-Twilight” and “Day-Night”. The third element is Fire. If the family of one of the couple professes one of those religions, the representatives of which strictly consider their faith to be true, and all others to be false, then an ideal couple is possible only with a co-religionist. Or with someone who agrees to change religion. This is what women often do when they marry a man of other faiths. Even if both spouses are indifferent to religion, it does not matter. Here again, the choice of the species, the collective consciousness and the unconscious rules. The fourth element is Water. Every person is either “Water” - develops as a person, changes, becomes better, or “Ice” - says loudly or in a whisper: “I am who I am. I won't change. I’m happy with everything.” The ideal pair is “Water-Water” or “Ice-Ice”. Quintessence (5th element) - Love Either arises or does not arise - depending on your luck... No methods of practical psychology can ever guarantee its appearance. And at the same time, if the first four elements are in ideal condition, then there is a very high probability that, firstly, love will still happen and, secondly, it will be love for life. I have developed a unique advisory service “The Ideal Couple”. In just one consultation, in person or via Skype, clients explore how ideal their couple is and receive a list of specific steps to perfect their existing relationship or find their soul mate if they are still single. What is the most important thing for you in a relationship? Should you strive to be an ideal couple? Share your opinion in the comments! Your Skype consultant, Oleg Kolmychok. Phone: +7 (964) 915-00-17 Skype: kolm52 They sincerely echo this article: Why do they only want from women with tattoos!!!
